Zyppah Review: A Snoring Solution That Works | Mewing.coach
Sleep Health

Zyppah Review: A Snoring Solution That Works


    Zyppah mouthpiece review

    Snoring and sleep apnea plague countless households, causing sleepless nights and frayed relationships. An open airway passage and a raised tongue position are crucial to preventing both these issues. The science is clear – these two factors promote smoother airflow and reduce airway obstruction during sleep.

    Zyppah, a specially designed mouthpiece, claims to serve both these vital functions. This device not only opens your airway but also positions your tongue to minimize obstruction. For those who have tried numerous remedies with little success, Zyppah presents a high likelihood of resolving your snoring and sleep apnea woes.

    Key Takeaways

    • Zyppah is designed for snorers and those with mild to moderate sleep apnea, featuring a dual-action mechanism for airway opening.
    • It combines jaw advancement with tongue stabilization, made from FDA-cleared materials in the USA.
    • Clinical studies support its 91% success rate in reducing snoring.
    • Some users find the tongue band uncomfortable, but overall effectiveness is high.
    • Alternatives like VitalSleep may offer better comfort and value, but Zyppah’s unique design is effective for tongue-based snoring issues.
    Zyppah mouthpiece
    My Verdict:
    Decent product targeting root issues causing snoring and sleep apnea.
    Great Alternative
    VitalSleep mouthpiece for sleep apnea
    Vital Sleep
    One of the best mouthpieces I've ever tested. Highly recommended if you're dealing with snoring or sleep apnea.
    60-nights-money back guarantee
    1-year warranty
    Easy Boil-and-bite
    Check Price


    Who Should Wear Zyppah?

    Zyppah mouthpiece

    Zyppah Mouthpieces are made in the United States from FDA-cleared materials. They function by opening the airway and averting the tongue from falling backward, thus eliminating airway obstruction. This dual-action mechanism sets Zyppah apart from less comprehensive alternatives.

    If you experience frequent snoring that disrupts your sleep or that of your partner, Zyppah is worth considering. It’s also suitable for those who have mild to moderate sleep apnea but prefer not to use a more intrusive CPAP machine. The device is ideal for individuals who value material safety and a range of aesthetic and functional choices.

    The mouthpieces reduce snoring by gently pushing the jaw forward and keeping the tongue in a depressed position. This action prevents the tongue from causing airway obstruction, making it an effective solution for those struggling with chronic snoring or mild to moderate sleep apnea.

    Zyppah has built a solid reputation over the years as one of the leading mouthpiece brands. Their mouthpieces have undergone FDA-approved clinical studies, boasting a 91% success rate in snoring reduction.

    Zyppah mouthpieces come in a range of colors like red, white, blue, black, and pink. Additionally, Zyppah provides a cleaning solution and anti-snoring nasal strips as part of their product lineup.

    How Does the Zyppah Mouthpiece Work?

    During sleep, muscle relaxation occurs throughout the body, including the tongue and soft tissues in the throat. When these muscles relax excessively, they can collapse into the airway, leading to the disruptive noises of snoring and the choking or gasping associated with sleep apnea.

    The Zyppah mouthpiece employs a two-pronged strategy. Firstly, it features a Tongue Stabilization Band that holds your tongue flat and prevents it from falling backward into your throat. Secondly, it serves as a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), pushing your lower jaw forward to keep both the tongue and airway open.

    Does Zyppah Work for Sleep Apnea?

    Yes, Zyppah works for sleep apnea, specifically for cases that are mild to moderate. In my experience, it was one of the most effective mouthpieces I’ve tested for alleviating sleep apnea symptoms. While clinical testing backs Zyppah’s 91% success rate, numerous customer testimonials also corroborate its effectiveness. The stabilization of the tongue, in particular, can be pivotal for sleep apnea sufferers. Zyppah also appears in my TOP list of mouthpieces for sleep apnea, make sure to check it out.

    Does Zyppah Work for Side Sleepers?

    Zyppah also proves effective for side sleepers. The snug, custom-fit design ensures the device stays in place regardless of your sleeping position. Although I’m not a fan of the tongue-stabilizing band, its presence is essential for many users. Some people won’t stop snoring without it, especially when lying on their sides, as customer testimonials frequently note.

    How Do You Use Zyppah Mouthpiece?

    Zyppah is a simple yet effective device that doesn’t require visits to the doctor and can be an essential part of your arsenal against snoring and sleep apnea.

    First, immerse the Zyppah device in hot water for 45 seconds using the provided utensil. Remove it, shake off excess water, and wait 10 seconds. Next, insert the mouthpiece in your mouth, ensuring that the tongue strap is on top of your tongue and the Mandibular Advancement Device fits between your teeth.

    Create a vacuum seal by biting down the mouthpiece gently and sucking out the air. If the device doesn’t feel comfortable, you can re-mold it using the same boil-and-bite method. Once you’re ready to sleep, either lie on your back or your side for maximum effectiveness.

    In the morning, clean the device with toothpaste and a toothbrush or use Zyppah’s specialized cleaning solution. Consistency is key for making mouthpieces effective, so wear Zyppah e every night for the best results.

    The device became comfortable for my jaw and teeth incredibly fast, within just a few nights. However, the tongue stabilization band took longer to get used to, a sentiment not shared by other reviewers or my spouse.

    Is Zyppah a Legitimate Product?

    Yes, Zyppah is a legitimate product that offers a dual approach to reducing snoring. The device has the backing of clinical tests, solidifying its credibility. It’s not every day you find a snoring mouthpiece that has completed an FDA-approved clinical study with a 91% success rate.

    This means the device is not only safe but also effective. It reassures you that you’re investing in a product that adheres to health and safety standards. However, Zyppah has some negative reviews too. While many users have found relief from their snoring, others have reported discomfort and minimal change.

    It is not uncommon for health products since individual experiences can vary. In my own testing of Zyppah, the device reduced my snoring almost completely, and I felt more refreshed in the morning. However, the tongue stabilization band still feels awkward after months of wearing Zyppah mouthpiece.

    Of course, your experience might be different, as each mouth and each person is unique. But you can be sure Zyppah is a legit device and definitely worth a try.

    Zyppah Reviews Overview 

    Top Mouthpiece Criteria Ratings Mouthpiece Reviews


    5 Completely eliminated my snoring and reduced sleep apnea symptoms.


    4 The tongue stabilizing band felt unnatural and slightly uncomfortable, but it’s likely only my personal preference


    4 Remains intact and functional after several months of use.

    Customer Experience

    5 Delivery was faster than expected, and easy to mold.


    5 Solid reputation with FDA-approved materials and a 91% success rate.

    Price to Value

    4 While effective, the tongue band’s discomfort slightly reduces overall value.

    Personal Insights About The Zyppah Mouthpiece

    My struggle with sleep apnea symptoms and heavy snoring has been a nightly struggle, diminishing not just my own quality of life but also that of my spouse. Interrupted sleep led to less productive days, reduced focus, and escalating tension at home. Determined to find a solution, I embarked on a comprehensive review of every notable anti-snoring mouthpiece on the market.

    Zyppah was one of the most remarkable options I encountered. With its unique dual-action design, it managed to eliminate my snoring entirely. More significantly, I started waking up feeling energized, a clear sign of reduced sleep apnea symptoms.

    The fitting process was mostly smooth. Although I had to re-mold it once to achieve a perfect fit, the inconvenience was minor. However, the tongue-stabilizing band was not to my liking. Having it in my mouth felt unnatural, and honestly, a bit uncomfortable.

    Interestingly, I achieved similar benefits from mouthpieces that didn’t include this feature. Still, my experience with Zyppah has been overwhelmingly positive. The tongue stabilizing band may not be for everyone, but the overall effectiveness of the device is undeniable.

    However, I recommend that you evaluate your specific sleep apnea symptoms and comfort level with different features. You might find that a mouthpiece without a tongue band serves you just as well, or you might find that Zyppah’s unique approach is precisely what you need.

    What Are The Benefits Of Zyppah Mouthpiece?

    • Hybrid Design: Both Jaw advancement and tongue retaining make it more effective in reducing snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.
    • FDA Approved: The device has FDA approval, indicating it has been tested and found to be safe and effective for reducing snoring and improving sleep quality.
    • Custom Fit: The Zyppah mouthpiece is self-molded for a custom fit. This ensures maximum comfort and effectiveness.

    Zyppah Drawbacks and Side Effects

    Discomfort: Some users may experience discomfort. The elastic band, in particular, may cause discomfort to the point where the user won’t want to wear it at all.

    Expert Opinion About Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

    Do mouthpieces work for snoring? Well, expert opinions on the Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece are mixed but generally lean towards validating the device’s scientific design. Medical scientists confirm that Zyppah operates as both a mandibular advancement device and a tongue-retaining device designed to open the airway by moving the jaw forward and depressing the tongue.

    This is further supported by the fact that every Zyppah mouthpiece is FDA-cleared, latex-free, and made from non-toxic plastic. However, this safety does not universally translate into user comfort, as various reviews highlight discomfort and difficulties in wearing the device.

    A study you can find on PubMed asserts that mandibular advancement devices, of which Zyppah is an example, have shown improved outcomes across different patient populations suffering from snoring and other sleep-related disorders. This study suggests that snoring should be addressed from a preventive angle to preclude its advancement into more severe conditions.

    Other Devices Worth Mentioning

    While alternative devices like CPAP machines or mouthguards offer a valid snoring solution, Zyppah provides a more targeted solution for snoring by addressing both the jaw and the tongue. Each device has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, so the right choice will ultimately depend on your specific needs.

    Of course, even among mouthpieces themselves, there are a lot of highly effective snoring mouthpiece devices to choose from. That’s why I have gathered some of the best mouthpieces you must consider before you buy Zyppah.

    #1 Vitalsleep vs Zyppah

    VitalSleep anti-snoring mouthpiece features

    Vital sleep snoring device comes with an adjustable design that lets users customize the fit. This feature can make it more comfortable for some people. VitalSleep is also a less expensive alternative to Zyppah.

    Zyppah, in contrast, stands out for its hybrid design. It not only advances the jaw but also includes a tongue-retaining device, offering a two-pronged approach to snoring reduction. According to reviews, this mouthpiece has an edge over VitalSleep when it comes to effectiveness and comfort.

    Zyppah excels in comprehensive snoring reduction due to its hybrid design, while VitalSleep could be your go-to option for cost-effectiveness and customization. I suggest trying VitalSleep and if you feel after some time that you also need tongue retention, then try Zyppah.

    #2 Zquiet  vs Zyppah

    ZQuiet mouthpiece

    ZQuiet uses Living Hinge Technology, which lends the device great flexibility. My experience with using ZQuiet showed that this technology allows me to talk and even drink water while wearing the device, making it better in real-world situations. Additionally, ZQuiet’s design does not adhere to the common boil-and-bite mechanism but features a hinge connecting the upper and lower trays.

    Zyppah offers a different approach to snoring reduction. It combines jaw advancement with a unique strap designed to hold your tongue in place. This additional feature makes it suitable for people whose snoring problems originate from tongue obstruction.

    If comfort and the ability to speak or drink water while wearing the device are your priorities, ZQuiet could be your best option. Conversely, if your snoring is significantly influenced by tongue obstruction, Zyppah’s additional tongue strap may provide a more effective solution.

    #3 Sleeptight vs Zyppah

    SleepTight mouthpiece

    Sleeptight is versatile, offering solutions as either a mandibular advancement device or a tongue-retaining device. The product emphasizes comfort, making it easier to adapt to wearing it overnight. My Sleeptight review has also noted its superior customer service and calibration functionality.

    On the other hand, Zyppah is a hybrid device, combining features of both mandibular advancement and tongue retention. It pushes your lower jaw forward, reducing the risk of airway obstruction. It boasts a high success rate, as evidenced by an FDA-approved clinical study that reported a 91% effectiveness.

    If versatility and comfort are your priorities, Sleeptight could be an ideal choice. However, if you’re seeking a rigorously tested and versatile option with a high success rate, Zyppah is worth considering.

    Zyppah Review: Final Words

    Zyppah targets the root issues causing snoring and sleep apnea with a high degree of efficacy. Its dual-action design—tongue stabilization and mandibular advancement—addresses the anatomical factors leading to airway obstruction. Whether you suffer from sleep apnea or are simply a side sleeper trying to reduce snoring, Zyppah offers a reliable, clinically proven mouthpiece.

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