How Tongue Chewing Can Help With Your Mewing Technique |
Facial Exercises

How Tongue Chewing Can Help With Your Mewing Technique


    Tongue chewing mewing

    According to the professional opinion of revolutionary British orthodontist John Mew, a proper tongue posture during chewing and swallowing can help shape a more defined jawline.

    This DIY treatment has been named mewing and involves the muscles of the tongue, the hard palate, and the mouth in general. It works similarly to how an orthodontist or other wellness professional treats the conditions that cause jaw widening.

    There are many factors involved in the success rate of the mewing technique – tongue chewing being one of them.

    In this article, we’ll tell you how chewing your tongue can aid proper tongue alignment and, thus, improve your mewing technique.


    What Is Tongue Chewing in Mewing?

    Mewing and tongue chewing are not to be confused with one another. However, both consider changing the infant-taught way of using our tongue and mouth to shape a more aesthetically-pleasing appearance.

    You can consider tongue chewing as another step or shortcut to practicing mewing and your proper tongue position more appropriately.

    Do not mistake tongue chewing for the actual chewing of the tongue. This is a medical disorder diagnosis commonly related to OCD or cravings for food, which can additionally worsen your overall health and facial aesthetics. It’s been shown to ruin the lips and straight teeth’ position and may even lead to the need for orthognathic surgery.

    All steps of tongue chewing technique

    Tongue chewing in mewing is actually the idea that you can support and master your mewing technique with the practice of chewing gum, using it as a way to strengthen your jaw and tongue muscles.

    Also, instead of practicing your tongue posture blindly, by inserting the gum in the practice, you’re making it feel more natural. That’s because your tongue’s muscles have a clearer focus and an object to concentrate on.

    If you’re not familiar with the know-how of proper tongue posture, feel free to visit the YouTube channel of Dr. Mike Mew and watch a few of his tutorials. Or, you know, proceed with our mewing guide below!

    Step-by-Step Guide on Correct Tongue Chewing to Take Your Mewing Game up a Notch

    YouTube videos and the most popular articles on mewing on the Internet provide authoritative experiences from practitioners that have improved numerous health conditions, like sleep apnea and poor posture. That ‘mewing jaw‘ is not too far off if you use our app! app: mewing exercises

    However,the proper tongue placement is the key to solving the puzzle.

    So, here’s how to do it using our regular mewing guide!

    Step I

    Get a regular piece of gum and put it in your mouth. Now, instead of chewing with your teeth, start chewing the gum against the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Your mouth’s saliva will be of paramount help in this process, as it dissolves the hard tissue of the gum.

    Step II

    You can play around with shapes and form balls to improve your tongue’s ability and tone its different muscles – side ones and back ones, instead just its tip core muscles.

    In this phase, you’re rolling your tongue and reaching all the corners of your mouth from the inside, increasing its flexibility’s potential.

    Step III

    Then, flatten the gumball on your palate, using your entire tongue’s surface. In this phase, you can flatten the gum and spread it nicely up against the entire roof of the mouth. You can also try involving more specific areas, like right, back, left, or just behind your teeth.

    4 close up images of a person's mouth, explaining how to do tongue chewing exercise

    What Are the Tongue Chewing Mewing Benefits?

    When you think about what you’ll gain from chewing gum (aside from concentration), shaping a stronger jawline is one of the benefits. But, if you learn to chew gum with your tongue, you can avoid crooked teeth, for starters.

    Chewing gum with your tongue can also be of great assistance in the following ways:

    Helps You Learn and Master the Mewing Togue Position

    Your jaw is tied to your tongue, which is why developing a correct mewing tongue position is the first thing to do if you want to start mewing. Implementing the tongue chewing technique in your beginner’s guide on mewing can easily increase your tongue’s stamina and flexibility, enabling it to do the correct movement as defined in the mewing practice.

    Strengthens Your Tongue and Jawline

    Jawline of a man before and after tongue chewing and mewing

    There is enough evidence and peer-reviewed studies from wellness professionals that chewing gum strengthens your jaw and bite force. But the “tongue chewing technique” also adds more muscle strength to your tongue, helping you adopt proper oral posture.

    Increases Tongue’s Mobility and Flexibility

    Tongue chewing is a stimulant to exercise your tongue muscles in a way you have never used them before. Making round movements and flattening the gum requires strength and sophisticated movements in different tongue areas.

    To add to this, learning different languages with different letter pronunciations can also help practice the tongue’s flexibility.

    More Muscle + More Flexibility = Overall Mewing Boost

    If you’re just about to start using our app and want to feel like a prodigy in the field, implementing tongue chewing will be a tremendous step. Moreover, have you ever heard about the different mewing approaches?

    There is regular and hard mewing. So, what is hard mewing, then? Well, it’s basically supposed to bring you closer to your goal more quickly. However, this isn’t always the best approach. Some people can tolerate hard mewing, while others cannot.

    Instead of applying immense and unnecessary force while mewing, you can sophisticate the tongue’s movement.

    Fact: Mewing Works and Chewing Is Paramount in Mastering the Technique

    Mewing works, which is why it is considered to be the social media’s alternative to oral and maxillofacial surgery.

    Despite the fact Healthline media websites offer little evidence of medically reviewed proof in the field, people around the world have spoken. These are the results and advice you should be taking.

    By mastering the proper placement of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, you can avoid expensive doctor services and orthodontics treatment. If you consider practicing mewing, tongue chewing can enhance your abilities to achieve greater results while avoiding the highly likely jaw pain and crooked teeth that can occur with hard mewing.

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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