What Is Hard Mewing and How to Make Sure You're Ready for It | Mewing.coach
Facial Exercises

What Is Hard Mewing and How to Make Sure You’re Ready for It


    Do you want to improve your facial structure ASAP, but feel stuck with the regular mewing technique?

    There is a simple solution for you to skyrocket your gains, and it’s hard mewing!


    It ONLY works if you do it right.


    Well, begin with a quick quiz below. It’ll take only 60 seconds, but you’ll get the following:

    ✅ The answer if hard mewing is right for you
    ✅ Personalized mewing program
    ✅ Daily exercises
    ✅ Guidance on how to reach your goals
    ✅ Video guides, tips, daily reminders, etc.

    For those who’re willing to read on and learn more:

    Getting a Hollywood-style chiseled jawline isn’t only possible with facial implants. In fact, you can completely transform the way your face looks by doing a daily exercise called mewing!

    As tested and proven by Dr. Mike Mew and his father, Dr. John Mew, mewing is legit and can significantly reshape your entire facial structure – so long as you do it right.

    But, have you ever heard of hard mewing? It’s the simple trick of enhancing the effectiveness of the mewing technique by applying extra pressure in regular mewing exercises.

    In this article, we’ll explain:

    • ❓What hard mewing does
    • ⏳How to enhance the time it takes to yield results
    • 📑A complete guide on how to do hard mewing properly
    • 📸Some visual evidence for clarification.

    Let’s dive right in!

    Hard mewing


    What Is Hard Mewing?

    Now that we know what mewing is, let’s mention once more what this technique involves:

    • Exercises and stretches the facial muscles using the tongue, lips, and proper posture of the neck
    • Improves bad posture
    • Aids in sleep apnea and snoring
    • Achieves proper oral posture
    • Enhances facial aesthetics and symmetry.

    We can’t possibly mention all benefits of mewing, but you get the picture.

    How Hard Mewing Can Speed up Results

    Hard mewing transformation

    Now, according to research and user experience, learning how to mew properly can take months. Results can become apparent within a few months, but depending on your age, the process can drag out over 2 years.

    The younger the mewer – the faster the results.

    The concept of achieving results by mewing thus seems like an impossible challenge for many. This is where hard mewing steps in.

    Hard mewing is applying extra force in regular mewing exercises with additional steps. The key difference between soft and hard mewing is mastering a swallowing technique.

    By learning to swallow properly and engaging your entire tongue, you’ll be applying force on your maxilla throughout the day. This will accelerate the palatal expansion, as you’ll do it more frequently. Also, this will enhance and strengthen the nerve pathways and accelerate muscle memory.

    On the other hand, incorporating this technique into your habits -such as snacking, eating, and drinking – will enhance the entire process of shaping your face and increase the chances of sustaining those results.

    If this practice becomes an automated-like habit, there’s no chance of a bounce-back effect, especially in the neck and jaw area.

    Does Hard Mewing Work?

    Hard mewing results

    Hard mewing is a tried method, but there is no scientific evidence it works. Thus, speaking about whether hard mewing works boils down to personal experience.

    One user and successful mewer even compared the practice of hard mewing to an appliance similar to braces used by dental professionals for expanding the palate. It is called AGGA (Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance), and many grown-ups use it to treat similar issues and jaw modification.

    However, this appliance takes more time (3-5 years) to fix issues than regular mewing. Thus, in this case, the comparison of the two is remarkably close but crucially different since hard mewing can achieve results in just months!

    Hard Mewing Results: Before and After

    Hard mewing before and after

    Hard mewing can achieve greatness and visible results in far less time than regular mewing.

    According to the personal experiences of the majority of mewers, the before and after hard mewing results are astounding. This practice especially works among young people, who have reshaped their natural-born facial structure with a more dense exercise approach in only weeks.

    What is the first thing that pops into your mind when looking at these images?

    This proves the theory that mewing gives better and faster results to teenagers and adolescents. This only comes naturally, considering the bigger concentration of soft tissue, which becomes more solid as we grow older.

    This is the process of calcification. The harder our bones and stiffer our joints become, the harder the possibility of reshaping them without surgery.

    However, even people in their mid-30-s and 40s can enhance their facial aesthetics using our Mewing.coach app. These exercises activate some muscles in the chin and neck area – which were previously neglected – causing the skin in that area to become lifted and the facial features more defined.

    Is Hard Mewing Healthy?

    Besides aesthetic enhancements, mewing can, first and foremost, benefit you mentally. Of course, it’s also shown to help with over and underbites, bruxism, sleep apnea, and more.

    According to many mewers who have tried hard mewing, doing both and mixing hard and soft mewing is the best practice.

    This will help you achieve faster results, considering you’ll be putting more pressure on your tongue without risking an injury or discomfort. Also, focusing more on the actual proper posture of the tongue and the entire face and neck muscles can be of greater assistance, rather than applying too much effort and pressure in the wrong spot.

    Differences: Soft VS Hard Mewing

    Hard mewing vs soft mewing

    The key difference between these two is the pressure needed to hold your tongue up against the palate. You push your tongue and jaws more with hard mewing, while you only use minimal effort to keep your tongue lifted when doing regular or soft mewing.

    Regular Mewing

    This might be the best practice if you’re just starting with mewing. It involves simply lifting your tongue and holding it up against your palate without too much pressure.

    The point here is to focus on the movement of the entire tongue, your breathing, and jaw muscles that are getting activated. Also, these light force movements are regularly done in more extended periods, compared to the shorter-termed hard mewing exercises.

    Hard Mewing

    Hard mewing entails more pressure when holding your tongue against your maxilla. Other than that, you activate the same muscles – the only difference being you’re putting more strain on them.

    For some people, this is the right approach. On the other hand, some individuals prefer a lighter technique that doesn’t involve as much pressure, a.k.a. soft mewing.

    Are You a Candidate for Hard Mewing?

    Many people who have just begun mewing start using extra force right away. Unfortunately, some of the worst mewing mistakes are made due to the lack of mastering the very first step – the correct tongue posture.

    Did you know that more than 85% of the entire adult population doesn’t swallow correctly? This is due to the inherited suction hold mechanism that we adopt via breastfeeding and naturally carry throughout our life. Dr. Mew explains that this vacuum sensation makes our voluntarily swallowing movement improper and offers a trick to solve it.

    The correct mewing tongue posture is keeping the tongue against the roof of your mouth (ideally in the center, behind your front teeth) while trying to swallow or at least mimicking the movement. Also, instead of the tip – make sure you’re using the entire tongue.

    Though this seems pretty simple – if you’re a mewer rookie, don’t just apply force immediately.

    Instead, try to involve the tongue in your drinking habits alongside your regular practices with the Mewing.coach app, implementing it over extended periods throughout the day.

    Before expecting faster results, learn to mew correctly to activate the right muscles and avoid pressure injuries and strained muscles.

    If you’re not exactly sure you’ve got it, check out our simple mewing guide for beginners. It’ll help you decide whether you’re a beginner or ready to move on to hard mewing exercises.

    How to Do Hard Mewing Safely

    Follow our stress-free mewing guide on how to hard mew the right way:

    1. Use As Much Pressure as Needed Before You Feel Pain

    Start by increasing the pressure, but know when to stop. For some, it might be the very start of feeling pain, while others can bear this feeling much longer. Whatever the case may be with you, make sure to stop when you’re overwhelmed by discomfort.

    2. Push Your Tongue as Hard as You Can Against Your Palate, Then Release

    Shortening the time interval of hard exercises can be of greater assistance than pushing yourself too much.

    3. Add More Pressure in Mixed Intervals

    If you’re an experienced mewer, why not spice up your routine with different intervals, mixing both hard and regular mewing techniques? This practice has been proven to work in athletes preparing for a marathon with a training called fartlek- running alternately fast and slow in given intervals instead of simply stopping for a breath after each sprint.

    How Long Does It Take for Hard Mewing to Work

    Assuming you’ve mastered the correct tongue posture and mewing technique, hard mewing works faster than your common soft or regular mewing.

    From experiences shared by people on social media and their own blogs, hard mewing can show results after just a single week instead of the regular mewing average time frame of 3 to 6 months.

    Once again, this depends on the individual and their personal preferences – age, genetics, and other abilities also play a role.

    Risks of Hard Mewing

    Too much force can definitely stretch some muscles, so it’s important to match your expectations to your body’s capabilities and strength.

    So, can hard mewing ruin your face? Like any other irregular muscle and joint activity, the injuries can become visible and mess up your overall body posture and natural muscle and nerve reactions.

    Let’s point out some of the risks if you do a hard mew the wrong way:

    • TMJ pain
    • Bad oral posture
    • Crooked teeth
    • Facial asymmetry
    • Un-natural oversizing of the neck, head, and chin

    Let’s picture you’re at the gym and just about to start weightlifting. Sure, you can start with 40kg right off and achieve splendid results, but what will your back feel the next day? And is it safe in the long run?

    Whatever you do, do it according to your body’s abilities. You can do this by personalizing the Mewing.coach app and optimizing it to increase time for results by implementing slow addition of pressure and difficult exercises over time.

    Conclusion: Hard Mewing or Soft Mewing?

    Hard mewing can and has successfully achieved results in much less time compared to long periods of regular mewing. However, simple wrongdoing (such as too much force) may overwhelm some, causing pain and even chewing irregularities.

    Sometimes, it’s better to take it more steady and patiently. This can be achieved by exercising up to 20-30 minutes each day and applying consistent pressure with your tongue on your upper mouth without too much force.

    Eventually, you’ll end up developing a simple habit that is subconscious and automated!

    Whatever type you choose, make sure you’re comfortable with the exercises. If you’re going through too much pain – take some rest and don’t push yourself.

    In the end, it’s not called hard mewing for nothing!

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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