Does Mewing Cause Jaw Pain? Find Out What You Might Be Doing Wrong |
Jaw Pain & TMJ

Does Mewing Cause Jaw Pain? Find Out What You Might Be Doing Wrong


    Mewing jaw pain

    Does mewing make your jaw sore? Do you frequently experience painful gums, headaches, and general discomfort during your mewing practice?

    If mewing feels uncomfortable, you’re definitely not doing it right. Unfortunately, incorrect mewing can cause jaw pain, and is something every person needs to be aware of in order to prevent this from happening.

    The only way to prevent jaw pain while mewing is to learn how to do it properly. Take a quiz below and get a personalized mewing workout plan together with tips, video guidance (and more!). That’ll help you to learn the correct way of mewing and prevent the pain.

    In this article, you will find out everything you might be doing wrong when it comes to mewing – so you know exactly what to change and what to look out for moving forward!


    Think Pain During Mewing Is Normal? It Isn’t

    Dr. Mike Mew and his father, British orthodontist John Mew, have developed a set of facial exercises to improve facial asymmetry and aid proper jawline development with one simple trick – correct tongue positioning.

    This technique modifies the facial bones without surgery or assistance from braces and similar orthodontic appliances. It requires consistency and applying even pressure against the palate. And most importantly, it should not include pain during the process.

    Why Does Mewing Hurt: Usual Sore Jaw Mewing Mistakes

    Mewing shouldn't hurt jaw

    By now, you may have figured out that you’re mewing wrong.

    But what are the small mistakes you make? Here are the most common ones:

    Incorrect Tongue Posture

    Did you know that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body? By placing your tongue up against the roof of your mouth, you’re modifying your palate and maxilla.

    It sounds easy and simple, but achieving the proper tongue posture isn’t that easy for everyone. Remember – we’re re-wiring the nerves and muscle memory, which have solidified after years of improper suction and swallowing.

    Going Overboard With Hard Mewing

    Soft mewing is where all mewers should start, no matter their age or the difference they want to make. After all, we are changing the tongue’s natural resting position, and this is no simple feat.

    It’s like training any other body part – the more you push yourself past your limits, the more pain you’ll experience. Give yourself more space and time to achieve the results – nothing happens in a day.

    Forward Head Posture

    People with a forward head facial structure, as well as those with a receding chin, have a higher tendency to make mistakes, as their natural posture makes it difficult to achieve the proper tongue posture.

    Medical Conditions (Cavities, Bruxism…)

    Similarly to improper head posture, bruxism and bigger front teeth (buck teeth) are additional reasons you may be mewing incorrectly.

    Importance of Mewing Correctly

    Correct vs incorrect mewing

    You likely want to start mewing for jawline sculpting or to get rid of a receding chin and improve your facial and body appearance.

    Aside from pain and discomfort, mewing can lead to other unwanted conditions if you do it incorrectly:

    • Psychological distress
    • Continuous headaches
    • TMJ disorder
    • Crooked teeth

    To avoid any adverse effects, we’ll now look into ways to eliminate jaw soreness when mewing.

    Tips on How to Eliminate Jaw Soreness While Mewing

    If mewing hurts, follow our mewing instructions on making mewing a desirable and comfortable practice for shaping the jawline and widening the palate.

    Work on Your Tongue Position

    The proper tongue posture doesn’t just come overnight. But you can overcome this seemingly difficult obstacle by doing the following:

    • Mewing consistently
    • Pushing on the hard palate with your entire tongue
    • Practicing applying even pressure against the palate

    Implement the Tongue Chewing Technique

    Tongue chewing is not the actual chewing of your tongue. It’s learning how to chew with your tongue, removing the pressure from your teeth. It requires a piece of chewing gum that’s used as a focusing point for your tongue. It should be spread across the roof of the mouth with equal pressure.

    This technique also helps with hard mewing, as you’ll learn to apply even pressure against the palate and the roof of your mouth.

    Treat Pain and Discomfort as a Sign Something’s Not Right

    Instead of aspiring for painful practice – consider that mewing is not your regular glutes or abs workout. Try to do longer periods of soft mewing instead of hard mewing if it hurts.

    The Best Mewing Solution for a Sore Jaw

    If mewing hurts – you’re definitely doing something wrong. Whether it’s engaging the improper facial muscles or applying too much pressure while your teeth are in an incorrect position, you must figure out the correct tongue posture before you worsen your entire body and facial posture.

    Mewing works, and instead of ditching it, make sure that you’re applying the mewing method in your chewing, breathing, and drinking routine properly.

    Our app has a personalized approach based on your own preferences, age, and style. Plus, with our in-depth video tutorials, your chances of improper tongue posture, incorrect mewing, jaw pain, and the mewing sore jaw will become a thing of the past in just days!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

    Sculpt your face into desired look with mewing. Answer a quick quiz to receive your workout program.

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