What Is a Double Chin Smile, and How to Get Rid of It | Mewing.coach
Double Chin & Neck

What Is a Double Chin Smile, and How to Get Rid of It


    Person with a double chin when smiling

    Ever asked yourself, “why do I have a double chin when I smile“? You’re not alone.

    Many people like to have prominent jaws and perfect smiles but struggle with submental fat. The good news is that this is fixable with the right treatment, diet, and exercise routines.

    In this article, you’ll learn about:

    Let’s see how to get rid of a double chin when you smile. Let’s dive in!



    A double chin appears slightly larger than your actual chin, almost as if you have an “extra” chin.

    While losing weight can help reduce the amount of excess fat under your chin, genetics may prevent this from happening. And having extra fat around your chin can make your jawline appear less defined and appealing.

    In addition, when you smile, your facial muscles contract and pull your skin upward. As a result, the skin under your chin may scrunch up, giving the appearance of an extra-chin smile.

    But is there a way to see goodbye to double chins forever? Let’s explore!

    3 Reasons Why Your Double Chin May Appear When Smiling 

    There could be several reasons for this:

    1. Posture. Bending or slouching your chin forward changes the angle of the smile, creating the illusion of a double chin.

    Incorrect posture effect on a double chin

    2. Facial Structure. People with weak jawlines and recessive chins are more likely to have it when smiling, regardless of their weight. This is due to the skin being stretched over a smaller area. Nonetheless, even a slight increase in fat or a decrease in skin elasticity can cause its appearance.

    Facial structure effect on a double chin

    3. Ageing. As we age, the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag. The process is heavily influenced by our body’s collagen production, which begins to decline in the mid-20s. The effect becomes more pronounced as we age, resulting in a collection of sagging skin around the chin. And when we smile, it becomes more apparent.

    Ageing effect on a double chin

    Do People Notice a Double Chin? 

    Not everyone has a perfect overall gonial angle, so people tend to be self-conscious about it. Depending on its size, it can be pretty noticeable.

    People who have it are aware of that, so they’re bothered by the area under the chin. They notice their double chin the most in photos, so they usually shy away from photos, and some even avoid video calls.

    Others will indeed notice that you have a double chin, especially when you smile. However, there are some things you can do so your double chin doesn’t show a lot.

    3 Methods You Can Use to Never Show a Double Chin When Smiling Again 

    When you smile, you can do a few things to minimize its appearance:

    1. Strive to Maintain a Healthy Weight

    Healthy weight

    Lose any excess weight you may be carrying. This will tighten the skin around the face and make it less visible when smiling.

    2. Exercise Your Facial Muscles

    Exercises for facial muscles

    Facial exercises are as important as body exercises. Also, the exercises will help you get rid of face fat.

    One effective technique is mewing. Mewing involves flattening the tongue against the mouth roof, which can help realign the teeth and define the jawline. You should learn what mewing is all about to see how it can help you fight it.

    Also, there are a lot of face yoga benefits against a double chin. Yoga exercises help strengthen the facial muscles and reduce tension. In addition, these exercises will target the fat for a sleeker appearance.

    In addition, the chin-tucking technique is one of the key methods for reducing its appearance. When done regularly and properly, you’ll be able to keep your head aligned above the spine instead of drifting forward into poor posture.

    3. Learn How to Pose

    Correct vs incorrect posing

    Ensure your face isn’t square with the camera, but it’s in a slight arc. Turning your head slightly or dropping your chin is the best way to accomplish this. You won’t feel unnatural once this becomes your everyday position for posing.

    Don’t forget to use makeup to your advantage. For example, apply a highlighter to your jaw to give the appearance of a lifted chin. Alternatively, contour your chin with a darker foundation shade to make the illusion of a shadow.  Put flattering lipstick on your lips.

    Last Words 

    Hopefully, we’ve helped you learn everything about double-chin smiles. Once you’ve mastered the art of being photographed, implemented an appropriate eating regime, and adopted mewing as an everyday practice – you can say bye-bye to unflattering angles!

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