Why Weak Jawline & Chin are Considered a Turn-Off | Mewing.coach
Jawline & Chin

Why Weak Jawline & Chin are Considered a Turn-Off


    In today’s beauty standards, strong jawlines are considered highly attractive. Most people think jawline is defined by genetics but there are effective natural ways to sculpt it into a desired look!

    Mewing is a leading (and natural) face workout that helps tons of people to achieve better jawlines. If you’re interested in how to turn a weak jawline into a strong one, start with a short quiz below.

    So there comes the question, “Is a weak jawline a turn-off?” Many would answer yes to this. But why? In this specific article, we’re going to find the answer to this query and also focus on:

    • 🤔Are strong jawlines considered to be attractive features for both men and women?
    • 📖 How to get rid of a weak chin and double chin
    • 🔎 How can mewing help you create a chiseled jaw

    Now let’s learn more about why a weak jaw is considered a turn-off.

    Male before and after weak jawline


    Is a Weak Jawline a Turn Off?

    Strong jawline

    No, a weak jawline shouldn’t be perceived as a turn off. However, beauty standards impact people’s perception of their features, such as jawline strength. In a 2017 survey commissioned by Allergan plc, 49% of 1996 respondents reported that the area under their chin negatively affected their appearance.

    It’s important to remember that jawline appearance is largely determined by genetics and shouldn’t be a source of insecurity. Ultimately, self-acceptance and confidence in one’s unique features should be the primary focus, regardless of societal beauty standards. However, for those who still want to improve the look of their jawline, there are natural ways to do so such as mewing and facial exercises.

    Mewing.coach is an app that provides guidance and support for people looking to improve their jawline through the mewing technique. The app is easy to use and offers comprehensive instruction to help users achieve their desired results. Whether you have a weak jawline or simply want to improve your facial structure, Mewing.coach is a great place to start.

    Is a Weak Jawline Attractive?

    A strong jawline is considered to be a sign of increased testosterone among males, which is why many beauty trends incline toward it. However, this is not the case for everyone. It essentially depends on one’s preferences – some say it’s a turn-off, while for others, it’s not.

    Is It a Turn-Off When a Girl Has a Chiseled Jawline?

    Girl with a chiseled jawline

    If a strong and wide jawline is considered a trait of increased testosterone, for women, it’s quite the opposite – a small and gentle face is the mark of beauty. But this is changed today – just look at some of the most famous Hollywood actors like Margot Robbie or Angelina Jolie.

    With the major shift in our cultural history, the power looks in females are definitely in. So, in short, a strong jawline in females is definitely not a turn-off; in fact, it’s growing popular!

    Why Is My Jawline So Weak?

    A receding chin is a condition where the chin projects slightly towards the back, causing the image that the face and neck are colliding. This is especially visible from the sight angle but also from the front angle, where the face seems as if it’s “sliding” downwards instead of staying up and fixed.

    Both genders have complained that having a receding chin gives their overall appearance a negative signature. The receding chin is short, small, and often drawn backward, making the jaw look weak.

    So why does this happen? Below are some reasons for this problem.


    As we grow older, our entire body has a tendency to change. In the majority of cases, the elasticity of the skin is weakening, which additionally causes the effect of a double chin or a weak chin.

    Nature and Genetics

    The jawline shape can be genetic, and this is the most common cause of a weak jawline.

    According to a study conducted by King’s College London, among the most inherited facial features, the part above the upper lip and below our lower lip – the chin, is the most common feature we inherit from our parents and ancestors.

    Having an Asymmetrical Jaw

    Being born with an uneven jawline is the main cause of overbite. This further causes crooked teeth and bad oral posture. It also has the highest effect on facial asymmetry.

    Not being able to chew evenly can also cause back pain and ruin the entire body posture too, so consider turning to some exercises and ways to fix this problem before it worsens.

    Does Jawline Affect Attractiveness?

    A well-defined jawline has always been a sign of beauty, so it definitely affects attractiveness. But in which manner exactly?

    Since the dawn of time, a stronger jawline, wider shoulders, and more visible muscles on the overall body were considered to be a sign of more testosterone. Biology says that these signs automatically and even subconsciously activate the feeling of increased desire and attractiveness towards males with these traits.

    At the same time, women with these features were deemed the opposite of the inherent traits of a woman – gentle, sweet, and feminine.

    However, the 21st century has given birth to many ideas that are totally contrary to what was once incepted in the base values of humanity. So, as we mentioned, today, the attractiveness of a sharp jawline has extended to women as well.

    In fact, we can agree that despite the changes throughout history, the sharp jawline has managed to stick and even be more accepted today as a sign of attractiveness – in both males and females!

    Jawlines Contribute To The General Shape of Your Face

    The jawline itself is not the only thing that makes a person’s facial features attractive, but it can contribute to the overall look by a ton!

    For example, if you don’t intake enough water during the day, there will be visible signs of it, mainly presented as saggy skin, flakiness, dryness, etc. And all of this will hide your jawline, which will give you a weaker look.

    But if you fix this by doing some natural exercises, not only will you get a prominent jawline, but you will immediately see an improvement in your overall appearance.

    How Do I Get Rid of a Weak Jawline?

    Thanks to science and research, there are a lot of ways to go beyond your current looks, even when it comes to weak jaws. But most of these include undergoing surgery that is not only money-consuming but requires a longer healing period.

    What’s more, even after the treatment, a receding chin might come back over time.

    Luckily, other non-invasive treatments can help you get rid of a weak jawline. Below, we’ve listed and detailed some of the most popular jawline improvement how-to techniques, tips, and useful tricks you can use today to get a strong jawline.


    The meaning of mewing is simple – using the correct posture of your tongue to work out your facial muscles and fix problems like a double chin, weak jaws, sleep apnea, etc. This, however, is only if you learn how to mew properly and master the proper tongue chewing and resting positions.

    In order to start your pain-free journey toward a chiseled jawline, visit our Mewing Coach app!

    You can log in for free and personalize each step of the way. You can read posts and tips on how to mew correctly and get the best results while scheduling the perfect time to mew and reminders to go along with it.

    The mewing impact on your jaw has proven to be the best and most effective treatment you can get. Aside from being effective, the mewing changes are also one of the most permanent ones.

    Lose Weight

    Jawline after weight loss

    Aside from aging, a weak chin might be an illusory effect of being overweight.

    Ditch the sugars and salty snacks from your diet. Also, drink more water, and you’ll surely notice the skin lift effects. It might take time, but if you’re focused on your diet, you are guaranteed to see results.

    Facial Massage

    Another healthy way that you can use to get the chiseled jaw of your dreams is to use some facial massage tricks. Luckily there are plenty of them online.

    You can start by simply pressing in the middle of your chin with both your fingers and then moving them to the side up to the masseter muscle, still applying the same force.

    Recap: Is A Weak Jawline a Turn-Off?

    In both genders, a weak chin signifies misaligning of facial proportions, which are inherently and culturally considered to be attractive worldwide. A strong and chiseled jawline emphasizes these features.

    It also acts as a natural skin tightener, which can also be considered a benefit for aging prevention. So how can you achieve the best chiseled jawline?

    By doing one of the natural exercises, we’ve mentioned above. Give mewing a try and see how you can benefit from a simple understanding of correct tongue placement.

    But remember, mewing doesn’t show results overnight, so slow and steady wins the race!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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