Mewing With a Tongue Piercing: Is it Possible? |

Mewing With a Tongue Piercing: Is it Possible?


    Mewing with tongue piercing

    If you’ve recently gotten a tongue piercing and have interrupted your mewing routine – don’t fret! Mewing with a tongue piercing can be challenging. However, if you know the correct position, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to reap the benefits of facial exercises.

    That’s right – once your piercing has fully healed, there’s no reason to put off mewing any more than you have. In fact, we’ll help you develop a few pro techniques using tried and tested methods.

    Are you eager to try mewing but aren’t sure how to maintain proper tongue position after a tongue piercing? Proceed below to learn how to balance the two!


    Tongue Piercing and Mewing: The Challenges

    Regardless of age, mewing is a facial exercise that can offer many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of sleep apnea, lowered stress levels, improved blood circulation, and proper jaw alignment. Whatever aesthetic or health goals you are working towards, the tongue posture to mew properly is imperative.

    If you have a tongue piercing, you may find it difficult to maintain the proper tongue posture without discomfort or pain. Mewing shouldn’t hurt.

    When your tongue piercing is still new, you should take care not to aggravate the area. Undue pressure can prolong the healing process. Certain mewing with tongue piercing exercises, like tongue curling, may need to be avoided for a while.

    Just remember to maintain the correct position of your teeth – soon enough, you’ll return to your regular practice!

    What Should You Avoid With a Tongue Piercing?

    It generally takes about three to four weeks for your piercing to heal completely. Follow some basic guidelines to make sure that your tongue heals well:

    • Oral hygiene risks: To avoid hygiene risks, you can rinse your mouth with warm saltwater or an alcohol-free mouthwash.
    • Playing with the piercing: It may be tempting to fidget with your piercing, but you need to avoid this. You can introduce germs to the area and risk an infection.
    • Eating certain foods: You’ll need to take small bites for a while and avoid acidic drinks like coffee. Stay away from spicy, salty, and hot foods as well.
    • Ignoring signs of infection or complications: If you notice any worrisome signs, such as swelling, redness, a foul odor, bleeding, or discharge, see a medical professional right away.

    Tips for Mewing With a Tongue Piercing

    Is a tongue piercing harmful with mewing? It doesn’t matter if you want to explore mewing or are a seasoned mewing practitioner to move on to hard mewing – making a few adjustments to your practice will allow you to enjoy the benefits:

    1. Patience and adaptation: Be patient with yourself and accept where you are. If something doesn’t feel right, adjust accordingly.
    2. Adjusting the Mewing Technique: There may be some positions that you will not be able to do right now. That’s ok. Once your piercing’s all heading, you’ll be back to it.
    3. Seeking Professional Advice: If you are unsure of the correct teeth position when mewing or don’t know how to adjust to your piercing, there’s nothing like getting advice from professionals. The app can teach you to mew properly before, during, and after your tongue piercing! Here, you’ll find instructional videos to help you get the most out of your mewing, daily reminders to keep you on track, and the possibility to use your own photos to help you visualize your progress.
    4. Ensuring Proper Oral Hygiene: You already know the importance of hygiene for your piercing. This applies to your mewing practice as well!

    Final Thoughts

    You may need to adjust your mewing practice for a few weeks, but it’s better to maintain some form of mewing than it is to give it up entirely. It’s only temporary, and you’ll soon be back to your regular practice.

    Seek the professional help of a mewing app like, and remember to be patient! With proper tongue posture and good oral health, your mewing practice will continue to thrive, and your tongue will soon be fully healed!

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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