How Can Mewing Fix Receding Chin |

How Can Mewing Fix Receding Chin


    You’ve been a regular at your local gym, doing total body workouts and never missing leg day. But is there an exercise that can help you pump up your facial muscles to match the looks of a Greek god?

    Well, there is. It’s called mewing, and you’re about to discover what it can do for you.

    🔎 Revealed on this page:

    • 📝An extensive definition of a receding chin: a description of what a receding chin is and what causes it.
    • 📖 Tips on how to do mewing: practices designed to help you work on your receding chin and improve its line and structure.
    • 💪 The results of mewing. Before and after photos of the results of regular mewing on a receding chin.
    • 👀 Ways to prevent a weak or receding chin from recurring and other treatments.


    Let us guide you through all the details!

    How can mewing fix receding chin


    What Is a Receding chin?

    The jaw is a complex structure of bone and soft tissues. However, what we call the chin is only the lower jaw, or the mandible, which defines the position and look of the chin.

    A receding chin is when the lower jaw is less prominent. It is retracted and not equally aligned with the upper jaw. This is also called retrognathia or weak chin.

    In cases of a receded chin, the lower jaw goes a bit backward and towards the neck. It can be unnoticeable from the front, but when you look at a person from a side angle, you can see that a weak chin is slightly smaller than the rest of the face.

    The following are the typical characteristics of a receding chin:

    • Rounded chin, which can be puffy or plump
    • Little distinction between a weak chin and the neckline
    • Short distance from the lower lip to the bottom of the chin
    • Wrinkles or loose skin over the lower jaw.

    Weak Chin and Facial Symmetry

    The chin takes up around a third of the facial area and has a key role in forming your features.

    A symmetrical face requires that the top of the nose and the top of the chin form a straight line. A receding chin deviates from these proportions because the lower jaw is slightly retracted. This can make you self-conscious about your appearance, particularly because of the widespread trend of having a V-line chin.

    Hollywood movies are full of heroes with “chiseled jaws” and heroines with strong, symmetrical faces. So, people have started believing a defined jawline to be the most desirable feature and the epitome of attractiveness.

    And although having a receding chin is nothing to be ashamed of, in many cases, it leads to feeling shy and insecure. A recessed chin can affect different aspects of your life, such as deciding on a hairstyle, meeting new people, and generally making your social life somewhat uncomfortable.

    Recessed Chin and Health Issues

    However, a recessed chin can also cause some health complications.

    Constantly mouth breathing can lead to dry mouth and gum problems, accompanied by nasal congestion. A retracted jaw can also affect speech and even make certain facial expressions uncomfortable. It can cause misaligned teeth, which, in turn, affects chewing and swallowing food.

    A receding chin can be the reason behind an underbite, crossbite, or open bite, which all contribute to facial asymmetry.

    Also, a weak chin can cause well-known sleep problems – loud snoring and sleep apnea.

    But don’t worry, is the solution to all this and more!

    Mewing helps define the chin, but before we look at it, let’s see what causes a receding chin.

    Causes of Receding Chin

    A receding chin is usually not a healthcare problem. Still, there are certain conditions that cause it, and they need to be ruled out before you start mewing.

    The most common causes of a receding chin include:


    In most cases, a receding chin appears as a natural part of the aging process in both men and women. As you get older, you start losing some of the bone and soft tissue structure around the jaw bone, which leads to a weak chin.


    Some people are simply born with a receding chin, inheriting the shape from one or both parents. Their appearance is determined by genetic factors.


    There are cases when an overbite can cause a receding chin, but it can easily be solved by wearing braces. Generally, children grow out of it as their bones grow.

    Congenital and Other Health Conditions

    A receding chin can appear due to congenital conditions, such as Pierre Robin sequence and Treacher Collins syndrome, which can affect breathing in newborns. It can develop at a very early age or even while the baby is still in the womb.

    Certain serious diseases or extensive dental issues can also be the potential cause of a receding chin.

    External factors

    External factors, such as early facial trauma, injury, or surgery, can change the formation of the growing bones, resulting in a weak chin.

    Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s see how mewing can help with a receding chin.

    And if you want to dig deeper before you start your training program, you can check out the mewing definition, background, and practices first.

    Should You Be Mewing With a Receding Chin?


    Mewing is the perfect natural solution to a receding chin and will spare you costs for a chin implant. It is a corrective treatment that doesn’t involve any intrusive medical interventions.

    Mewing is a deliberate, conscious decision to get a chiseled jawline and strengthen facial muscles. You can do it anytime and anywhere without it interfering with your daily activities.

    Is Mewing Legit?

    So, is mewing real? Research has shown that mewing is a real and effective way to sculpt your face and achieve chin augmentation. The medical community has already begun to realize the benefits of mewing, which is no surprise given the many positive testimonials.

    Urie K Lee in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery says that mewing does generate some plausible conclusions that can aid in developing future treatments but emphasizes the need to gather more scientific evidence.

    While waiting for science to catch up, you can start practicing mewing regularly. It will help you learn proper tongue posture and improve a misaligned jaw and a receding chin.

    The Benefits of Mewing

    So, what are the benefits of mewing? The principal benefit of mewing is its undeniable role in strengthening the jaws and building up jaw muscles, which leads to a more pronounced chin and a firm jawline.

    If you search through social media, you’ll find a community of satisfied proponents of this technique. Thousands of supporters have claimed that chin exercises develop facial muscle and enhance the lower jaw, which leads to a brawny chin and muscular jaws.

    If you have a receding chin, you should join the growing following of and start working on your chin ASAP!

    The Connection Between Mewing and Double Chin

    Does mewing get rid of double chin? Undoubtedly!

    After starting mewing, the first improvements you will see will be a toned chin and a more defined neckline. As you do facial exercises for the muscles around the lower jaw bone, you will also stretch the neck muscles and reduce the tissue size causing the double chin.

    And the benefits don’t end here. As you start building your face, you will see improvement in your cheekbones, nose, and all the way up to your eyes. Start mewing now to restyle your receding chin and enhance the symmetry of the whole face!

    How to Get Rid Of Receding Chin With Mewing

    The app has shown incredible results in improving facial features and achieving a desired look, especially regarding a receding chin. Things you’ve only imagined can come true by following this simple technique!

    When you first land on the app, you take a quiz that gathers all the necessary information about your needs. Try to answer the questions honestly to provide all the details of the issue at hand.

    The quiz identifies all the areas you want to work on and comes up with a personalized program to tackle the things that bother you. This turns into your personal trainer!

    Theory is one thing, practice is what counts. That is why we have provided a video guide that teaches you how to practice the mewing technique properly. You can see how the tongue rests in the mouth and how to adjust its position for maximum results.

    The ultimate goal is a well-defined jawline, so allows you to track and evaluate your progress. You can observe how much your facial structure changes and shapes over time.

    Daily In-app Reminders

    Don’t skip chin exercises! To achieve quicker results, it’s best that you turn mewing into an everyday activity. For that reason, daily in-app reminders keep you on track.

    For those who love to learn things methodically, the educational section provides all the information you need to know to chisel your jawline and reach your appearance goals.

    And the beauty of it is that you don’t need any equipment. You won’t even have to leave your comfy couch! Mewing can be done at home, at work, on the train, or while watching your favorite show.

    How to Do Mewing?

    Mewing means practicing correct tongue posture, a.k.a. pressing your tongue on the palate of the mouth instead of the bottom. That is all you need to learn to do!

    If you need more in-depth information and tips on how to do mewing, go through this tutorial on techniques that sculpt your cheekbones and carve your jawline.

    But, the most important information on achieving amazing results can be found on the app in various formats. So, download, and start chiseling your jaw one day at a time!

    Mewing Results: Before and After Receding Chin

    We will let the results speak for themselves. Marvel at the brilliant changes people have achieved using mewing and sticking to the program provides.

    Remember, these are real problems of real people and their transformations of a recessed chin.

    Let’s look at some photos of the wonders of mewing before and after a receding chin.

    How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Receding Chin While Mewing

    This is not an easy question to answer. There are various factors to consider, such as age and overall health conditions. Of course, the frequency of doing correct mewing exercises also plays a vital role.

    Working on a receding chin involves aligning the lower jaw bone with the upper jaw, which can take months or even years.

    We are all different, and our bodies respond differently to stimulations. At first, you will notice an improvement in other areas, mainly concerning general health. Users of the app have reported a fast improvement in their oral health, breathing, and swallowing. There are also accounts of decreased nasal congestion and sinus infections.

    Still, to answer your question, the effects of mewing on a receding chin can be seen more rapidly in younger people. Their bodies are still developing and growing, so it is easier to intervene and influence the alignment with the upper jaw and the growth of tissue and muscle around it.

    Children and teens can see impressive results on a recessed chin in just 3-6 months after using daily.

    Adults have a more challenging task ahead as their bodies have fully developed. This means that it will take significantly longer for adults to notice results. It can be somewhere between 6 to 24 months to achieve a positive change in the receding chin.

    The most important thing is to turn mewing into a habit and practice it all the time. You will need to be determined and patient, but it will be worth it!

    How to Prevent Receding Chin Recurrence

    It is possible to see a recurrence of a receding chin after irregular and infrequent use of the mewing technique. You should understand that, for adults, mewing is a lifelong practice.

    It is similar to working out all the other muscles in your body. After you stop hitting the gym regularly, you lose muscle and tone. The same goes for mewing and its effects on a receding chin.

    Even for young people who have already achieved their preferred looks, it is essential to keep mewing well into adulthood.

    Reverse mewing means abandoning all mewing practices and returning to the incorrect tongue position. This can have negative consequences and the recurrence of a recessed chin.

    Avoid these mewing mistakes as the adverse effects can be seen in the facial appearance and symmetry and the prominence of the chin.

    Other Receding Chin Treatments and Exercises

    Mewing is the best way to achieve a more attractive look, body posture, and a lean jawline. It will help you get rid of a recessed chin without needing dermal fillers or chin implants. Plus, you can always avoid the receding chin surgery cost!

    However, there are a few things you can do to help enhance the results of mewing:

    A Beard

    Men are lucky in this department as they have a natural defense against a recessed chin and double chin. A stylish beard can bring out your best features and give you a more masculine look.


    You can always resort to the make-up brush. There are many ways to conceal imperfections and emphasize the beauty of your visage with simple make-up techniques. You can accentuate the jawline with a few mere sweeps of the brush!

    Exercise and a Healthy Diet

    Regular exercise and a balanced diet are important to keep your neck fat in check and prevent a double chin that comes with increased weight and loose muscles.

    These are all welcomed companions on your journey to an improved appearance. But remember – mewing is the ultimate technique to train your jaw muscles and tackle a recessed chin.

    And is a unique app that can help you get there.

    Mewing won’t only change the shape of your face – it will change your life!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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