Is It a Myth, or Can You Grow Your Jaw Muscles? |
Face Sculpting

Is It a Myth, or Can You Grow Your Jaw Muscles?


    Can you grow jaw muscles

    Toning your jawline is best done through simple exercises like excessive chewing gum to stretch the cheek, neck, and jaw muscles.

    However, doctors strongly dispute paving the road to a pronounced jawline with oral exercises like chewing gum because you may end up in pain. Yet, people who’ve tried it strongly suggest it, assuring that jaw pain only happens when you’re doing it wrong.

    To clear the air regarding this heated debate of whether the jaw muscles can or cannot grow, we’ve focused on:

    • ​😉 ​Exploring real testimonials from people that have successfully grown and defined their jaw muscles
    • 🧐​ The true causes of facial deformity
    • 🤔​ Ways to fix the jawline.

    So, let’s begin with the jaw muscles: can they grow?


    Can You Grow Jaw Muscles?

    The answer is 100% yes!

    The masseter or jaw muscles are responsible for jaw movement, like opening and closing the mouth. In essence, the jaw muscles are similar to all other muscles – if you work on them through exercise, they’ll grow.

    Many people who need more structure or a more sculpted jawline do masseter muscle exercises to meet their goals. However, there has been an influx of feedback on this jaw-growing method – some positive, some negative – which has prompted us to end the debate finally.

    Below, we point out the truth and false claims about toning your jawline so that we can uncover the actual effects of oral exercises on the jawline.

    Example of how you can grow jaw muscles

    Chewing Makes Your Jaw Bigger: Truth

    Most naturally, yes! Newborns begin with breast milk because their masseter muscles are still underdeveloped. However, once they begin teething, the masseter muscles activate, and babies start chewing for the first time to fight the itchy phase.

    Once they develop teeth, they begin to chew harder foods and activate their jaw muscles over time.

    The masseter muscle can enlarge later in life because it’s similar to other muscles in our body. If you work out for your arms, you’ll end up with toned muscular biceps.

    The same goes for jaw muscles. The jaw exercises usually involve a lot of chewing because it’s the easiest way to activate the masseter muscles.

    Hard Foods and Gum Chewing are the Best Jaw Defining Exercises: False

    Chewing gum for jawline

    Many people looking to achieve jawline improvement for men opt for chewing hard foods to shape their jaws. However, any neuromuscular dentist will warn you of the side effects.

    Chewing hard foods for the sake of a toned jawline can lead to bruxism or teeth grinding, which can wear out the teeth. Additionally, you might experience headaches or jaw pain if you overwhelm your jaw joint.

    Regular Jaw Exercises Improve the Jawline: Truth

    Did you know the masseter muscles can enlarge and reduce depending on how much we use them? Therefore, we can denote that you can define your jawline with regular jaw exercises.

    If you begin with the daily jaw exercises, you will notice the back of your jaw become more pronounced over time. This is because the jaw muscle is activated and enlarges, which adds volume to your jaw.

    However, stopping when you start feeling pain is essential to avoid injury. If you’re curious about the effects a sharp jawline can have on female jawline attractiveness, check out this article.

    Grow masseter muscle challenge

    Reasons Some Claim Exercising Won’t Help You Get a Better-looking Jawline

    Did you know that jawline and genetics are tightly connected? There may be a low possibility of reshaping a particular jaw type that runs in the family.

    In such cases, if a person wants to reshape their jaw but has a strong predisposition to developing a double chin and similar, doctors may suggest plastic surgery or a non-invasive method.

    However, you’d have to support the jawline with daily exercises to retain the results. So, one way or another – jaw exercises do help.

    Be Careful Not to Strain the Jaw Joints

    Is it possible to grow jaw muscles with regular exercise? Yes, but it comes with its own risks. Exercising the facial muscles for a defined jawline must be done moderately so that you don’t overwork your jaw and cause pain.

    Masseter Muscles Exercises to Tone Your Jawline

    Ready to exercise your lower jaw? We’ve got a better workout solution than hard chewing to help you improve your appearance.

    Mewing is one of the best oral exercises recommended for toning and supporting the jawline after surgery. This exercise is focused on the appropriate tongue posture, which has proven to be a critical factor in undefined jawlines.

    You can do mewing wherever you are because you don’t need extra equipment or privacy. All you need to do is lift your tongue to the roof of your mouth and make sure that you’re not touching the teeth with the tip of your tongue.

    Additionally, you need to lift the back of your tongue behind the palate and push towards the skull. You’re extending the neck, jaw, and facial muscles by practicing this tongue posture.

    So, what does mewing help with in this case? Because it activates virtually all facial muscles, mewing is the best jaw-defining exercise.

    Check Out the App for Help

    If you want to try mewing to improve facial structure, download the MewingCoach app! Dr. Mike Mew will walk you through the entire process so you can avoid creating another unhealthy habit or straining your jaw joints.

    And if you need proof that mewing works, check out this article. app: mewing exercises

    Truth or Myth?

    Can jaw muscles grow through exercise? Yes!

    People seeking a more chiseled jaw can easily fix their jawline with daily mewing. You activate your cheeks, neck, and masseter muscles by trying to reach the appropriate tongue position.

    After only 4-6 weeks of regular practice, you’ll notice a positive change. However, even if changes don’t take place within this timeframe, they will within a few months.

    To sum up, defining a jawline through exercise is possible, and mewing is one of the best exercises that deliver good results fast.

    Make sure to download the to ensure you’re always on the right track. Refer to our video tutorials when needed!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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