Jawline Exercises: 10 Moves to Define Your Jaw | Mewing.coach
Facial Exercises

Jawline Exercises: 10 Moves to Define Your Jaw


    Many people ask themselves, “Do jaw exercises really work?” This question keeps worrying them until they see the initial results of doing these facial exercises. Nobody says they are easy, but their effectiveness is something to be admired.

    Simply put, jawline exercises are moves that will get you an attractive, defined, and sharp jawline. By doing them regularly, you’ll stimulate the activity of your chin muscles, jaw muscles, and even neck muscles.

    There are many types of jawline exercises. You can do the basic ones like the chin-up, the jawbone restorer, and the neck curl-up, or the more exotic ones like the vibrating sounds and tongue twisters.

    In this article, you’ll learn all about the top 10 moves that will help you attain a perfect jawline and a more youthful appearance. What’s more, you’ll learn:

    • Exactly how to do these movements and how these jawline exercises work
    • 🤔 A brief intro into the Jawline muscles you will be working!

    Let’s get started!

    Jawline exercises


    Working Out Jawline and Masseter Muscles

    Masseter muscles are the key to an attractive and appealing jawline. They stretch through the rear part of the cheek down to the lower jaw and are the facial muscles most active when we chew something.

    So, naturally, the easiest way to stimulate your masseter muscles is by chewing gum. If you’re asking yourself how chewing gum affects jawline, you’ll get many answers to your question. The simplest and most straightforward one is that chewing gum will help you get a strong and squarer jawline.

    Nonetheless, there exists a whole set of other exercises that can stimulate your masseter muscles and get you an attractive jawline. By strengthening your masseter muscles, you won’t only reshape your jawline but also enhance the range of motions of your jaw. Strengthening and stretching your masseter muscles will also help you overcome temporomandibular disorders.

    Jawline Exercises That Will Make Your Face Look Perfect

    Jawline muscles can grow as any other group of muscles. All you have to do is be consistent and spare 20 to 30 minutes a day to exercise.

    Some of these moves have been known for thousands of years. Many of them have their roots deeply in Asian cultural and physical practices like yoga. They’re a natural and healthy way to reduce square jaw without surgery.

    However, there’re also some exercises that have been invented recently. Their innovative and wholesome approach will guarantee you a beaming smile and a toned jawline.

    Remember that face exercises aren’t limited only to masseter muscles. Your tongue, neck, mouth, and lips can also play a huge role in getting you a handsome and sharper jawline.

    The Technique of Mewing

    Across the Internet, you can quickly jump up to a comprehensive and complete mewing guide. They’re easy to understand and will help you master the mewing technique in a matter of days.

    Mewing is basically learning how to place your tongue the correct way and thus work out your facial muscles. To get the best results, you can use our Mewing Coach app. Its sole goal is to help you feel more confident and attractive.

    You’ll start with the basics – choosing your gender and objectives. Then, the app will provide you with a personalized mewing workout plan, different exercises, daily reminders, educational content, and more.

    Mewing is a simple yet very effective jawline technique. Closing your mouth and sticking your tongue on the roof of your mouth are the two basic steps that make up the mewing technique.

    This move will help make your jaw look bigger and squarer. Furthermore, it’s very helpful in breathing, facial structural, and orthodontic problems. Once you download the app, it’ll teach you all the secrets of mewing. Mewing Coach will also introduce you to many other tips and tricks for getting a stronger and chiseled jawline.

    Clenching and Releasing Your Facial Muscles

    This is one of the oldest and easiest jawline exercises. You can do it at work while driving or at home while watching your favorite TV show. There are three simple tips for doing the clench and release exercise:

    1. Grind your teeth for 10 seconds before releasing the pressure. Mind that grinding your teeth is the same as clenching them, which will induce pressure in your masseter muscles.
    2. Perform this exercise 2-3 times with 10-15 repetitions.
    3. Day by day, increase the time length of the grinding and the number of reps.

    Restoring the Jawbone

    Jawbone restorer is another exercise that can be done in a few simple steps. The jawbone restorer, scary as it seems, is just a simple and pleasant jaw massage. This exercise will require the use of your hands. Here are the basic steps:

    1. Keep your mouth closed and adjoin your thumbs on the tip of your chin. Place the rest of your fingers below the ears.
    2. Induce moderate pressure with your thumbs and start sliding them upwards along your jawbone, stopping below your ears.
    3. Generate resistance by pressing your chin toward your thumbs.
    4. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then rest.

    If you’re going to use this exercise make sure that you don’t overdo it. Much like with the rest of these movements, you need to make sure that you only do them in the suggested period as going over it may cause pain or worse – injuries.

    The Facial Sagging Massage

    The facial sagging massage, also known as the chin sagging massage, activates the lower jaw and the muscles underneath your chin. These moves are great for correcting of a sagging face and tightening your chin.

    The chin-sagging exercises stretch over a wide set of moves that can be applied on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. To make it easier for you, we’ve separated the most common chin-sagging exercise, which can be done in a few simple steps:

    1. Place your elbow on the table or any hard surface you find.
    2. Put your fist under your chin.
    3. Open your mouth while resisting the pressure of your wrist.
    4. Hold for a few seconds, and then let go.

    Do this exercise daily for three sets of ten repetitions, and you’ll see astonishing results within a few weeks. And remember, slow and steady wins the race.

    The Chin-Up Technique

    This technique is great practice for face elevation and strengthening the chin muscles. The move targets the lower part of your face and may cause slight jawline pain. However, it’s highly effective and recommended by many experts around the world.

    This exercise, in combination with a balanced diet, can help you tackle the double chin problems once and for all. You can do it by sitting, standing, or walking – it doesn’t matter as long as you do it daily.

    Here’s how you can do the chin-up exercise:

    1. Close your mouth and slowly push your lower jaw forward.
    2. Lift your lower lip over your upper lip.
    3. Hold your lower jaw extended and your lower lip lifted for 10 to 15 seconds, and then release.
    4. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. If you want to achieve results faster, you can try to up the number of repetitions. However, this should only be done by 1 or 2 times, as a bigger amount can cause injuries.

    The Vowel Sounds Exercise

    This is another technique used in yoga practices. The vowel sounds exercise stimulates the activity of the muscles around the lips and the edges of the mouth. It’s a great move to keep your face healthy and a natural way towards a youthful appearance. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Open your mouth and start uttering “O” and “U”.
    2. After you say these two vowels, continue with all the other vowels.
    3. Make sure that you don’t touch your teeth and gradually increase the sound intensity.
    4. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

    The Collar-Bone Backup Move

    The collarbone backup move is an exercise that activates the neck muscles and can prevent pain in the neck in the long run. You can do the backups while standing, sitting, or lying on your back. To do this exercise, you should:

    1. Sit on the floor with your back straight up.
    2. Make sure that you keep your head level with the floor.
    3. Pull your head backward for a few inches.
    4. Make sure that the muscles in your throat clench and then release.
    5. Be sure that your ears stay above your shoulders and your head level with the ground.

    Remember here that the backups are causing throat contact and slight pressure in the back of your head. That’s why you should be careful and easygoing.

    Start by doing only 3 sets of 10 repetitions. As time goes by and you master the technique, gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions.

    The Tongue Twister

    The tongue twister will set in motion the muscles beneath your chin. This technique is recommended for both men and women. It can help you halt the aging process of your face and overcome your chin and neck fat problems.

    When you do this exercise, you’ll have to sit on the floor and press your tongue on the roof of your mouth. But there are a few other steps too:

    • Sit on the floor and bring your tongue to the palate.
    • Press your tongue against the palate and gradually increase the pressure.
    • Close entirely the roof of your mouth.
    • Start humming and creating vibrating sounds.
    • Make vibrating sounds for a few seconds, and then relax your mouth.

    The daily recommended dose of this exercise is 3 sets of 15 repetitions. If you’re eager to see faster results, you can slightly increase the number of reps each following day.

    The Neck Curl-up Technique

    The curl-ups trigger the front neck muscles and are a great exercise for battling neck strain. However, if you force yourself to do more curl-ups than recommended, the move can have opposite effects and cause strain in your neck.

    The reason behind this is that curl-ups target the underdeveloped muscles on the front of your neck. We rarely use them, and we need time to strengthen them. Check out how you can do this exercise:

    1. Lay down and keep your spine on the floor.
    2. Lift your head two inches from the floor and try to touch your chest with your chin.
    3. Make sure that you keep your stomach down and try not to poke your chin out.
    4. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

    Make sure that you don’t do them too much and too fast. As soon as you feel a little bit of pain, stop doing the curl-ups and make an opposite stretch. Otherwise, you’ll have to avoid them completely.

    The Fish Face Technique

    Do you remember the fish face that was a popular internet trend a few years back? Yes, the most popular selfie pose when we were teenagers.

    We know what you’re thinking right now, but it’s true – we were doing some sharp jawline exercises without even knowing it. This move is great for overcoming dewlap problems. What’s more, it’ll help you get rid of your extra facial fat in the fastest and simplest manner.

    If you can’t recollect how to do the fish expression, we’ve prepared a simple guide for you:

    1. Suck in your cheeks and purse your lips.
    2. Hold this facial expression for about 30 seconds.
    3. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times per day.

    Our Final Word On the Top 10 Jawline Exercises and Other Tips For Improving Your Looks

    We’ve seen how jaw exercises work and how you can define your jaw by doing a comprehensive set of moves. Jawline muscles can grow or shrink as any other group of muscles.

    That’s why consistent training is the key to face and neck transformation and strengthening of your face muscles. Nonetheless, some moves are more demanding than others. Needless to say, don’t force any of the exercises – you don’t want to end up with pain and some injuries.

    So if you’re looking to define your jaw, don’t wait – try one of these exercises!

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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