Mewing With Invisalign: Does It Affect Mewing Progress? |

Mewing With Invisalign: Does It Affect Mewing Progress?


    Invisalign are transparent braces worn as opposed to traditional metal wires, which are slowly going out of fashion. Many Invisalign patients are unsure whether they can mew with their braces on, which is why we’re here to help.

    In some cases, Invisalign gives you an additional push when mewing. They are a very popular orthodontic treatment because they are quite comfortable to wear and can help you with crowded teeth alignment, just like the traditional metal wires.

    In this in-depth guide, you’ll read about:

    • 📖 What Invisalign is, and how it works
    • 📑 How you can mew properly while wearing Invisalign
    • 📌 What the mewing benefits list comprises, and how it works with Invisalign trays.

    Hungry for more? Keep reading for the rest of the mewing basics and how they aid retainers!

    Mewing with invisalign


    Invisalign: What It Is and How It Works

    Invisalign are invisible braces that can correct or realign your dental arches (upper teeth and lower teeth). They’re made of medical-grade thermoplastic using 3D imaging.

    Actually, these braces are made from impressions and images that are computer–generated. The dentist takes images of your oral cavity to correct your teeth.  They are replacements for the old traditional fixed wires with different types of molds that improve the position of your teeth in 12 months or more.

    They can be taken off, unlike the traditional metallic wires, which are fixed and far more expensive and painful. The best thing is that patients wear Invisalign for 12 to 18 months, compared with the traditional metal ones that are worn for at least 2 years.

    Invisalign Is Good for Facial Aesthetics and Facial Growth

    Invisalign does not directly affect your facial features. However, the soft tissue surrounding the mouth (such as the cheeks and lips) can undergo subtle changes to conform to the new teeth’ position and alignment. This is usually the case with children, whose bones are still soft, growing, and developing.

    In the younger population, Invisalign retainers can also change the size and look of the jaws. This happens gradually and looks different for every individual.

    Paired with mewing, Invisalign braces can improve facial shape and boost symmetry, which is excellent for facial growth and misaligned teeth. They belong to the list of all sorts of mewing appliances that boost health and physical appearance.

    Invisalign Can Help You With the Mewing Tongue Posture

    Invisalign can be an excellent addition to the mewing practice because they cover the teeth and do not interfere with what is called the right tongue position when mewing. In fact, they further perfect it!

    When you mew with Invisalign, nothing changes regarding the usual posture. You just need to avoid touching Invisalign with your tongue. The tongue should be as close as possible to the teeth without touching.

    You can even apply orthodontic gel that acts as a pain reliever, which can notify you any time your tongue is too close to your teeth for comfort. This will further push you to achieve the proper tongue posture.

    Don’t worry – getting used to mewing with Invisalign won’t take too long. You’ll probably feel slight discomfort the first few days. However, as you get adjusted to the new tongue posture, the displeasure should go away on its own.

    Can Invisalign Restrict Mewing Success?

    No, Invisalign doesn’t restrict mewing gains. Actually, you gain more mewing benefits when you wear Invisalign braces.

    These braces encourage proper tongue posture; you just need to be careful not to touch them with your tongue. You can even consult your dentist on how to wear them properly and how they work in tandem to gain more benefits from them.

    Invisalign locks your teeth in place and adjusts the dental arches. However, it can also help you with palatal expansion as it can stretch out your palate, promoting forward growth.

    When your palate is bigger, it can encourage facial growth, nasal breathing, and all other mewing results you can get from mewing correctly. So, yes, mewing with different kinds of retainers is possible.

    Can You Mew After Invisalign Treatment?

    When the Invisalign treatment is over, and the braces are off, you’ll probably feel different when you mew. This is natural – there might be some changes in the size of the jaw, the jaw shape, or the soft tissues like the mouth or the cheeks.

    However, this shouldn’t stop you from mewing. In fact, you should continue the practice to achieve real mewing changes, making the proper tongue posture a habit.

    When you mew, you make the proper tongue posture which can be very beneficial for your health and aesthetic features, so keep on mewing even if you don’t have the braces on! Just be careful not to make mewing mistakes and avoid bad mewing practices when you mew.

    As mentioned above, Invisalign can stretch out your palate and improve your palatal expansion, which can be beneficial for the prevention of relapse when this treatment is over.

    Final Words

    Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that goes hand in hand with mewing. They both lead to good teeth alignment, facial aesthetics, and ideal oral posture. The mewing technique is not always helpful with crooked teeth, so wearing Invisalign braces is the true answer to teeth crowding.

    To learn how to practice mewing with Invisalign (and get exceptional mewing results), download our app! Here, you can track your daily progress, watch video tutorials on mewing, and learn how this practice works the facial muscles!

    Practice mewing regularly, and with time, you’ll see jaw-dropping results – especially if paired with Invisalign retainers for an additional boost!

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