Does Chewing Gum Help to Get Rid of a Double Chin |
Double Chin & Neck

Does Chewing Gum Help to Get Rid of a Double Chin


    Whenever we gain a little weight, a double chin begins to form under our jawlines. When most people see this, they immediately google how to eliminate excess fat and start following online recommendations.

    One of the prevailing suggestions they find is chewing gum regularly. There are many claims made about this approach and a number of both positive and negative comments. So, we decided to dig deeper to understand the effects that chewing gum has on the face. In this article, you will learn:

    • 🧐 If chewing gum can help you get rid of your double chin
    • 😯 What are the side effects of excessive chewing gum
    •  🤔 Best recommendations to reduce fat under the jawline

    So, without further ado, let’s get started!

    Double chin after chewing gum


    How Long Should You Chew Gum to Get Rid of a Double Chin

    Although there are many online recommendations for losing face fat and defining jawline muscles, the chewing gum method stands out to people as a very simple exercise.

    On the one hand, chewing gum can cause issues, but on the other, there are many positive results that confirm this approach can strengthen and tone the facial muscles. So while you should be careful, there’s no reason to altogether avoid chewing gum.

    It’s important to be mindful of jaw fatigue when chewing gum excessively, as this can lead to discomfort and potential muscle strain.

    It’s best to practice this method for 10-20 minutes each day, twice a day. It’s easiest to space these exercises out and do one set in the morning and the other at night, giving your muscles time to rest.

    Chewing Gum Helps Double Chin Fat Reduction

    Internet forums are full of people who guarantee that regular gum chewing can improve the double chin situation, as it strengthens the facial muscles. Yet, others use these spaces to express their skepticism at using different kinds of chewing gum for jawline definition.

    When we’re chewing gum, we involve the neck and cheek muscles as we make forward and backward movements. You naturally repeat these motions, which can result in a subtle neck lift effect over time. Even if you can’t see the results, research indicates that chewing gum strengthens your muscles.

    However, excessive gum chewing may also lead to TMJ (temporomandibular joint) inflammation. This is the joint that connects the jaw and skull, so you want to avoid causing damage to it.

    Ultimately, chewing gum is a part of our getting rid of double chin guide, but it doesn’t offer the most impressive results, and it’s not the only way to target submental fat cells.

    Most Recommended Natural Double Chin Reduction Method Is Mewing

    You have many tested and approved chewing gum alternatives that work and can permanently reduce face fat. For example, you can lose the double chin with face yoga exercises, mewing, cardio exercises, weight loss, and a healthy diet.

    These are simple and accessible methods that are easy to follow. They’re also the cheapest ways to get rid of a double chin, often costing you only a few minutes of your day. Therefore, let’s review each method separately to discuss what makes them effective.

    Why Mewing Exercises?

    Mewing is a facial exercise that is focused on correct tongue posture. How we place our tongue in the mouth affects our overall facial appearance. Practicing regularly, you will tone the face, improve definition and slowly work on the double chin situation.

    Whether you’ve heard of the mewing trend before or not, you can download the Mewing.Coach app to get more information. The app explains all the benefits of this technique and gives you tips and programs to follow, helping you correctly do the exercises.

    This practice can be done with numerous goals in mind, and many people pick up mewing to lose a double chin.

    Does Chewing Gum Help with Double Chin Final Words

    To summarize, chewing gum alone won’t necessarily reduce fat cells under the jawline to a meaningful extent. Results will require you to chew tons of gum, and this may stimulate muscle growth of the TMJ, causing damage or facial asymmetries.

    A much better place to start is by doing small facial movements and practicing the mewing technique. Simple exercises like moving your head backward and putting your lower jaw forward can help eliminate your double chin.

    You can download the Mewing.Coach app for free right now, and get started on your journey to a well-defined jawline with no extra fat!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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