Double Chin Before And After Weight Loss |
Double Chin & Neck

Double Chin Before And After Weight Loss


    Double chins are formed by extra fat cells that get stored below the jawline. Many obese or overweight people have them, but the problem is that even if they undergo severe weight loss, the double chin often is still there.

    In this article, we’ll discuss:

    • 🔍How weight is linked to submental fat
    • 💪Exercises that help reduce or eliminate a double chin
    • 🍎How diet plays a role in the process
    • 🤔Why you may have trouble losing your double chin
    • 💉Cosmetic procedures as an option

    Before you jump into any surgeries or treatments, you have to know the relation between a double chin and body weight, so you can address the issue correctly. We’re going over everything you need to know, so let’s get started!

    Double chin and weight loss


    Double Chin Before And After

    Chin Before and After Results With Mewing

    Diuble Chin Results Before & After Mewing

    Female Double Chin Before And After Difference

    Double chin before and after mewing

    Teenage Double Chin Before And After

    Teenage Double Chin Before & After Results

    Male Double Chin Before And After

    Male Double Chin Results Before & After

    How Double Chin is Connected to Your Overall Body Weight

    Most nutritionists and doctors would agree that weight gain is the main factor that triggers a double chin. In most cases, when we increase our weight, we add on fat, and you should know that your body fat percentage and your jawline are linked.

    As we eat, our system processes the nutrients and stores fat throughout the body. If there is an excess of calories, fat continues to build up everywhere – including the facial area.

    However, you may notice many plus-size people with the defined chin and wonder how that’s possible. Well-defined jawlines are hereditary, so some can have sculpted faces even when they gain weight. This means that the reverse is also true, and a double chin might be inherited. Thus, weight loss may not be all it takes to ditch the double chin.

    Lose the Excess Fat from Your Face by Exercising Regularly

    If you’re wondering how to tighten loose skin under the chin and eliminate a double chin, the first step is balancing your calories until you reach a healthy weight. Secondly, you need to practice some facial exercises that help reduce extra fat in the chin area.

    Check out our complete list of exercises to get rid of a double chin for a more in-depth look into the solutions you can implement. For now, let’s take a quick peek at the easiest and most common natural methods to start with.


    Mewing is an exercise that helps in reducing the double chin as it engages the neck and jaw muscles. If you regularly follow a well-constructed mewing program, you will see changes to your face.

    This technique focuses on correct tongue posture, and practicing it helps define the jawline. You can download the Mewing.Coach app, where you’ll learn everything about the process, including how to lose the double chin by mewing.

    Neck Exercises

    There are many chin types and shapes, and some can make the fat under your neck more visible. You may sometimes effectively alter your appearance by working on specific features.

    Stretching your neck muscles is another activity known to improve jawline definition. You can practice the following neck exercise to get rid of your double chin:

    1. Tilt your head way back until you look directly at the ceiling.
    2. Stretch your neck area by using your lower jaw forward.
    3. Remain in that position for 10 seconds.
    4. Relax your jaw and straighten your head in a normal position.

    Do Some Physical Activity

    To get rid of all submental fullness, you must put yourself on a strict working-out regime. Make sure that you get a somewhat intense workout at least 3 times a week, especially if you’re looking to lose weight.

    You can take a long run, go to the gym, or try some at-home exercises. After a while, you should start feeling the improvements.

    Fish Face Excercise

    The fish face exercise is a super easy way to improve jawline definition and get rid of the pesky double chin. To do this exercise, you need to suck in your lips and cheeks, then tilt your head back until you see the ceiling. Remain in that position for 10 seconds and then release. You should do this exercise for 15 minutes a day.

    Chin Tucks

    Another useful exercise you can implement into your routine is chin tucking. This helps improve posture and strengthen the jawline. Before you start, make sure you learn what is chin tucking and what isn’t. If you practice incorrectly, you’re just wasting your time.

    Get Rid of those Stubborn Fat Cells with a Healthy Diet

    You need to know that double chins are often stubborn fat pockets that won’t get lost easily. Although you practice daily, you’ll likely need to put yourself on a nutritious and balanced diet to notice any improvements.

    Eat the right amount of calories based on your goals and replace processed products with whole foods. Don’t be scared to use supplements like vitamin C or E to boost your system. These vitamins protect the skin from external damage and help prevent sagging skin, early wrinkles, and the appearance of a double chin.

    What if You are Losing Weight but Still Have a Double Chin

    If you’ve struggled with a double chin, weight loss before and after pictures can show a huge difference. However, for some people, the face area seems to have little to no changes. If this is the case, you may need a stronger method to permanently reduce the double chin. Some cosmetic treatments involve:

    • Neck liposuction: This is a surgical technique that permanently removes the fatty tissue and results in a defined jawline. It’s a quick and long-term solution recommended only for the stubbornest fat.
    • Laser treatments: These treatments remove fat cells under the jawline by applying heat energy to the targeted area. The skin won’t undergo any burns, but the fat tissue will be removed, resulting in a well-defined face and neck.
    • Kybella: This is a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting deoxycholic acid into the area below the jawline to destroy the existing fat cells. You will have to do at least 6 treatments to get the best effects.

    Weight Loss and Double Chin: Final Words

    One of the main factors for a double chin is being overweight. The body stores the fat throughout the entire body, and if you continuously gain weight, you will eventually end up with a double chin.

    Luckily, there are many easy and cost-effective exercises that can help you get rid of the extra fat under your jaw and get a better-defined face. However, you may need to undergo a procedure to reduce fat if you have had severe weight loss.

    Ultimately, even after surgery, daily workouts and healthy diets are crucial. Mewing is one of the most effective techniques to deliver great results in only a few weeks. If you want to learn more about the process, you can download the Mewing.Coach app, and start practicing right away.

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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