Double Chin When Talk: Why and How to Get Rid of It |
Double Chin & Neck

Double Chin When Talk: Why and How to Get Rid of It

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If you are wondering why you have a double chin when you talk, you’re not alone. Many people notice their double chins more while talking, singing, or smiling. But why does this happen, and how can you get rid of it? Keep reading this article and find out!

But before that, check what else you’ll learn:

  • 🤔 Why does a double chin occur while talking?
  • 📝 Is a double chin noticeable?
  • 📖 Can looking down be the culprit for your double chin?
  • 💡 Some natural ways to eliminate double chin while talking.

Let’s uncover the many ways to get rid of a double chin!

Man with double chin when talk

Causes of Double Chin While Talking

A double chin occurs for many reasons. In fact, the causes of a double chin while talking are the same as those of a double chin in general – weight gain, genetics, and poor posture; talking just makes it more prominent.

While people talk, the lower jaw naturally moves downward, pressing that fat underneath and giving the appearance of having a second chin.

Is Double Chin Noticeable?

How noticeable a person’s double chin is, depends on the severity of the condition itself, their overall body fat, the length of their neck, and the state of their jawline. It also depends on different chin shapes.

Usually, a double chin is more common in people with a few extra pounds, but skinny people sometimes have a double chin too.

Is It Possible to Develop a Double Chin From Looking Down?

Developing a double chin from looking down is possible and quite common today because we’re constantly bowing our heads to look at our phones or computers for hours at a time.

This constant downward motion, coupled with poor mouth and tongue posture, can cause the jaw muscles to weaken and a thick layer of extra fat cells to accumulate under the lower jaw.

How to Eliminate Double Chin While Talking?

Fortunately, there are a few ways to get rid of a double chin for good, but they’ll require some effort and dedication.

Practice Mewing

Mewing is the practice of proper tongue placement that promotes good oral health. During this technique, the tongue is placed on the roof of the mouth while the lips are sealed, and all breathing is done through the nose.

Mewing has helped many people improve their features, cure oral health problems, and reduce face fat. If you want to eliminate the double chin by mewing, try out our Mewing.Coach app and pick up the practice today to begin your own mewing journey.

Aside from getting rid of that submental fat, mewing will work wonders for your jawline and gonial angle. Look up what types of gonial angles there are to find out yours and see if there’s any room for improvement.

Exercise Your Face

Other methods for the face that can help get rid of that excess fat under the chin and tighten the saggy skin are facial exercises. The jawline appearance depends on your body fat percentage, so your priority should be losing weight.

A lot of jaw exercises will help with the extra layer of fat while also improving your jawline. For some of them, you can use chewing gum or a resistance ball to help you.

Utilize Facial Massage

A face massage can help break down some of those fat cells, tone the muscles on the face, and improve and slow down the aging process on the surrounding skin.

Eat a Healthy diet

Eating fewer carbohydrates and fat can also help greatly when dealing with this issue. Eating healthy can help you fight off weight and improve your overall health, which will, in turn, be noticeable in the quality of your skin and appearance.

Lose Weight

Physical activity and weight loss can greatly influence that layer of fat under your jaw, making you feel better and spiking up your energy levels. You’ll see amazing results in body shape and face shape alike.

Medical Procedures

There are, of course, medical treatments available to help you combat your double chin problems, but they carry far greater risks than all the other methods. Some of the treatments available include injections with deoxycholic acid or laser therapy that help break down fat or facelift surgeries.

All in All

If we don’t want to have a double chin when we smile or talk, we must be prepared to do some work. Luckily there are natural ways to do that – like mewing. This simple technique will help you tighten your skin around the chin. All you need is patience and work, and you’ll see results in no time!

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Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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