"I Hate My Double Chin" - These 5 Exercises Could Help | Mewing.coach
Double Chin & Neck

“I Hate My Double Chin” – These 5 Exercises Could Help


    A lot of people are feeling self-conscious about their double chin. But the future is not so bleak after all. There are a lot of natural treatments that will melt that double chin right off.

    Stay tuned to find out:

    • 🤔 Why you might have a double chin you can’t get rid of.
    • 💡 5 exercises that will help.
    • 📝 Reasons why you might not see results right away.

    Check out our get rid of the double chin how-to guide for more information.

    5 exercises if you hate double chin


    Reasons Why You May Have a Double Chin That You Really Hate

    The most common reason for a sudden development of a double chin is weight gain. As a result of an overall increase in body mass, specifically body fat, some of that fat accumulates under the chin and around the neck area, creating a double chin effect.

    Sometimes, double chins can be caused by genetics. This means that extra chin may be inherited from your ancestors. However, sometimes, they can be because of poor body position. So, to be able to get rid of it, you need to learn what a double chin and your body posture have in common.

    And if you’re wondering if overbite can cause a double chin, then the answer is yes. But just like for all other reasons, an overbite can be fixed, and you can get rid of your double chin.

    Exercises to Reduce the Double Chin

    Double chins can come in the form of excess fat or excess skin under the neck. No matter the kind or how you’ve gotten it, it always looks bad and can ruin a person’s self-esteem. But this can be solved by doing some double chin exercises that actually works.

    Exercise is not just for abs and extremities; the whole body can benefit from a good workout, including the neck and face. Jaw muscles can grow with the help of a few facial exercises, and a defined jawline will make your double chin appear smaller.

    Below we give you a few exercises you can try to get rid of this problem.


    Mewing is the practice of good tongue posture that promotes proper face and jaw alignment. You can find a complete mewing explanation by downloading our Mewing.Coach app.

    There are many ways in which you can use mewing to correct the double chin, and our app has a detailed post on several of them. For example, you can learn how to strengthen your jaw muscles or bring the lower jaw forward, which will inadvertently help you get rid of your double chin.

    Chin Tuck Exercises

    Doing chin tucks whenever you can, can help deal with that stubborn fat under your jaw and improve your neck and head posture. Just stand up straight, preferably up against a wall, and tuck the chin in while stretching the back of your head up. Do 20 reps several times a day.

    Neck Stretch – Chin to Ceiling Exercise

    Stretching your neck muscles can also help fight off that submental fat and tighten the skin under your jaw. Simply tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling while stretching your neck as much as possible. Do 10 to 20 reps of this exercise several times a day.

    Ball Exercise

    Squeezing a ball between your chin and neck is also good if you want to burn the extra fat on your neck. Place the ball under your chin and press it toward your neck, holding for a second and then releasing it.

    Tongue Stretches

    Open your mouth and stretch your tongue as much as possible. Hold 10 seconds in that position and then release and repeat.

    Why My Double Chin is Not Reducing?

    Many people get discouraged if they don’t get immediate visible results after a few days of exercising. The truth is it takes time to see the benefits. A healthy diet might help you lose weight and speed up the process.

    Unfortunately, in an attempt to achieve fast results, many people seek invasive treatments to help them get rid of their double chin fast, like liposuction or injections with deoxycholic acid. These treatments are not risk-free; at the very least, you’ll have to deal with swelling and recovery from the local anesthetic after they’re done.

    Do You Hate Your Double Chin?

    If you don’t like how your double chin is visible when you talk or have an apparent double chin when smiling, there are ways to solve this problem.

    You can eliminate those extra fat cells by committing to an exercise plan to help your weight loss. Or you can try mewing – a simple method that can get your skin tight and youthful-looking. Act now to reap the rewards sooner!

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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