How to Fix Sagging Cheeks Naturally: 13 Non-Surgical Ways |
Aging & Skin Concerns

How to Fix Sagging Cheeks Naturally: 13 Non-Surgical Ways


    Sagging skin becomes a real issue once we hit our 30s, but for some, it may happen even earlier. And sadly, it’s most apparent on our face since our facial skin is the most exposed part of our body, aside from our palms and fingers.

    This is the skin’s elasticity slowly receding due to the natural decline of collagen production.

    But not everything is irreparable!

    For that instance, mewing is an effective technique for not only reshaping your jawline – it is also a natural skin-tightening method. It has proven to deliver extraordinary results in face sculpting, and it’s free for anyone to try it.

    Aside from mewing exercises, in this article, you’ll eagerly discover more:

    • 👄 Facial exercises for both deep facial wrinkles and sagging
    • 💉 Nonsurgical skin tightening treatments for loose skin and facial muscles
    • ❓ How to naturally stimulate collagen production and lift sagging cheeks!

    So without further ado, dive into our profound research, and make sure you carefully read the tips on how to get rid of cheek puffiness. We don’t want all this reading and scrolling to be in vain, so brains and beauty above all!

    Sagging cheeks before and after facial exercises


    Excess Skin on Your Face: Sagging Cheeks and Loose Neck Skin

    Have you begun noticing loose skin and saggy cheeks in the mirror? It might be due to numerous causes. For example, it’s possible you lost some excess fat from your face or developed some bad habits, like smoking and drinking. However, never rule out aging as the most obvious sign.

    Skin sagging usually happens due to the skin’s natural gradual relaxation, caused by a lack of collagen tissue, which otherwise keep the skin lifted. You may start seeing signs of “jowls” or “droopy cheeks” after the age of 30 or later, if you’re lucky.

    Let’s take a look at the major factors causing saggy skin before we continue to move on to natural treatments to get rid of it.

    What Causes Drooping and Saggy Cheeks?

    As we already mentioned above, the face’s natural contours and youthful appearance fade over time. Aging is the main culprit, but there are also some other, more or less involved culprits.

    Growing Older

    Nobody’s a true fan of aging, to be honest. Queens and powerful reigns have been in search of a cure to fight the effects of growing older – but everything is in vain, at least in the long run.

    We’ll all get older and age drastically. But if you want to age “like fine wine”, you better make sure to do a lot of facial and body exercises and look after your health.

    Natural moisturizers to retain skin elasticity are also better than injecting yourself with fillers or going for expensive and risky surgical procedures.

    Blame it on Genetics

    In the case of sagging cheeks, the reality is equally sad for everyone – we’ll all get there, one way or another.

    However, some people are genetically predisposed to having more oily skin than others. While this trait is definitely not popular in the teenage period of our lives since it invites acne and pimples on our faces – people with greasier skin can restore their youthful cheeks and wrinkle-free skin for a longer time.

    This is because of their natural moistness that doesn’t require an intensive skincare routine over the years.

    Poor Diet Plans

    Eating plenty doesn’t always necessarily mean you’re eating what you’re supposed to. You might be eating “empty calories’ without actually supplying your body with proper vitamins for skin and hair growth or renewal.

    Such are natural oils, like olive and pumpkin, for example, fresh fruit and veggie fibers, as well as non-saturated fats (no, not the fats contained in those fried chicken nuggets)!

    For that instance, check our tutorial to help you lose the cheek fat, and you’ll find the dos and don’ts of a proper diet.

    P.S. Food can be a cure and a toxin, depending on how you’re using it. In the same way, drug, alcohol, and cigarette abuse are lethal for your health. And a sick body manifests on the skin as well since it’s the largest organ in the human body.

    Extreme Sun Exposure

    We all want that naturally bronze tan, but no matter how long some of us stay under the sun, we just can’t darken our skin. The hazardous UV sun rays damage the epidermis – the superficial layer of the human skin. They can even cause cancer, especially the strong radiating exposure to sun rays above 6 on the UV scale.

    And sun takes away the skin’s natural moisture and collagen. Harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays of the sun damage skin cells and break down the skin’s elasticity. As collagen breaks down in the skin and is not replenished by the body as usual, the skin begins to sag. This is one of the leading factors in sagging skin

    Improper or Lack of Skin Care

    Lack of proper moisturizing, Q10, vitamins A and E, and extreme weather exposure (dust, frost, sun) can do irreparable damage to the skin.

    If you live in a harsh weather area, make sure to always have moisturizer with you. Also, make sure to use face creams that are enriched with Q10 and UV protection – a must if you want to keep your skin’s youth for a bit longer.

    Is It Possible to Prevent Loose Cheek Skin from Aging?

    Of course, it is. After all, this article is about chipmunk cheeks and how to get rid of them in the most natural way and without any surgical treatments.

    Facial exercises, such as mewing and chin tucking, can significantly improve your saggy skin and restore the skin’s natural youthful complexion without any cosmetic surgery and cheek implants.

    Sagging face

    This is because the exercises (which can also be topped with facial massages and rollers) significantly increase blood circulation. This regains the lost volume in the hollowed cheeks, re-activating blood vessels and facial muscles to support a lifted appearance.

    There are endless examples of strong and weak jawline differences in people who have practiced mewing regularly in just a month. So if you can reshape your jaws made out of bones using simple facial exercises, sagging cheeks should take little effort in comparison.

    Tighten Sagging Skin With These Natural Facial Rejuvenation Methods

    Sagging cheeks are not a medical condition. As such, they should either be accepted or approached by solving the issue of saggy skin with natural methods.

    Facial Exercises and Mewing

    Facial exercises and yoga can successfully restructure the bones and improve the facial structure – in the very same manner we contour our abs and glutes. We’ve also got nose and mouth breathing explained, which can produce undesirable results and should be controlled.

    One of the super techniques from the craze of facial yoga is the principle of mewing, invented by a British orthodontist.

    As a matter of fact, there are endless success stories shared by people who exercise mewing regularly that have managed to change their entire jaw construction. Normally, the jaws are the bones holding our cheek’s skin lifted, so you can just imagine the prosperous effects of mewing on saggy cheeks!

    30 day program to lift sagging cheeks naturally

    This simple principle requires keeping the tongue pressed on the upper palate and applying more pressure over time.

    You can start your free practice by downloading our app and answering the personalized quiz as honestly as you can. That way, our app can really understand your needs and abilities and act as a personal coach, giving you the advice you need to get the results you want!

    Dietary Corrections

    As we already mentioned – food can be both a cure and a poison. Follow our basic tips, whether it’s for skin tightening or removing excess fat:

    • Reduce Intake of sweets and refined sugar

    Sugar is commonly known as the “white killer” because it does immense damage to the internal organs, aside from the obvious unhealthy fat tissue storage. Instead of store-sweets, try to eat as many fresh or dried fruits as possible and eliminate refined sugars from your diet.

    • drink detox smoothies

    Certain herbs and natural foods, such as kale, breech, pumpkin seeds, goji berries, or nettle, have strong antioxidant properties. Since you’re regularly purifying your room, you might as well start purifying your own body with these!

    • Sweat it Off

    Good sweating is the best natural way for your body to release toxins. Whether it’s running, sauna, cycling, or some other activities – make sure to include them into your daily routine, or at least a few times a week.

    Home Remedies for Sagging Cheeks

    Facial exercises combined with a simple home routine can do wonders for your face. You can start off by combining a longer face wash, including these nourishing moisturizers:

    • Coconut oil
    • Honey
    • Aloe vera supplements
    • Citrus juices
    • Beta carotene and vitamin A.

    Face Massages and Lymphatic Drainage

    Lymphatic drainage is a procedure of taking away the excess fat and toxins from your cells. It is usually a specific massage that is performed in a timely manner, combined with a proper dietary regime.

    To do lymphatic drainage to your face, you can use a variety of different rollers or learn some new massage moves. Of course, all of this must be combined with the inevitable presence of Vitamin E and A for smoother moves and rejuvenation.

    Make sure to read our guide on tightening the skin under the chin to learn more about face massages.

    Face Masks

    Natural home face masks from cucumber juice extracts have been used for ages. It’s the most simple face mask that doesn’t involve mixing yolks, milk, or sticky honey. Just apply cucumber juice all over your face, or let a few slices of freshly peeled cucumber rest on your face to suck in the amazing properties.

    You’ll feel similar effects if you do it with aloe vera juice, as it tightens the skin instantly! There are endless recipes you can create in your home kitchen – just a pinch of imagination, some fresh groceries, and essential oils – and you have a rejuvenating face mask!

    Moisturizing Creams

    Our market is over-saturated with tons of different beauty creams and moisturizers. But they are all created with the following ingredients, more or less:

    • Collagen
    • Q-10
    • Vitamin C, A, and E
    • Hyaluronic acid
    • Glycolic acid or lactic Acid
    • Retinol.

    These ingredients can be bought in a pharmacy, and if you’re willing to spare some money and always know exactly what you put on your face, you can start making your own homemade rejuvenating cream for moisture and lifting.

    Other Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Treatments

    Saggy cheeks are harmless, but they can mess with your confidence and potentially ruin your self-image, burning many other bridges you’ve worked hard to build in your life.

    Most medical procedures are extremely expensive (such as neck lift surgery) as they’re considered to be part of corrective medical surgery (not necessary and life-saving).

    But if you’re really ready to try an additional boost, aside from mewing exercises and other tips on a better jawline and cheeks, we gladly offer a list of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures:

    Subdermal Skin Tightening

    This method uses minimally invasive medical devices which apply thermal energy without burning the epidermis. Most usually, the thermal energy used is high radio frequency, which disrupts the regular functioning of the cells, tricking them to produce more collagen.

    Renuvion (J Plasma) and ThermiTight (thermistor) are the most popular devices in the field.

    To avoid unwanted results, the skin temperature and reactions are constantly monitored during the process.

    Laser Skin Resurfacing

    This treatment uses laser technology to milder skin elasticity issues. There are two basic approaches:

    • Ablative – removes the top layer of the epidermis, which is why is also called Laser Peeling
    • Non-Ablative – the lasers reach deeper, tricking your body into thinking the cells have been damaged. That’s how it stimulates collagen production.


    Ultherapy is a non-invasive correctional procedure that gradually lifts the skin using ultrasound technology.

    Ultherapy usually takes only one session, and people can return to their everyday lives immediately. However, the effects are not instant. It’s a therapy that engages the deep skin’s layers into an enhanced production of collagen.

    Though it takes several months for the effects to become visible – people’s experiences and studies prove it has long-term effects with a single treatment.


    Radiofrequency is commonly used for skin tightening. The ultrasonic waves stimulate the inactive bundles of cells and collagen deep beneath the skin (2 mm) to start working again. Depending on the individual, 2-5 sessions are just about enough, and the most promising results are apparently achieved with the treatment called Pelleve.

    Radiofrequency Microneedling

    This technique is similar to acupuncture and acupressure combined with radiofrequency technology. A microneedle activated by radio waves does small, invisible micro-wounds inside the skin. This, once again, tricks the skin tissue into producing more of the good substances – elastin and collagen – as well as fatty acids.

    Radiofrequency is particularly used to enhance the effect of collagen induction, and it needs to be repeated a couple of times for impeccable results.

    Fat Grafting

    If you have hollow chicks, lifting that extra skin can be approached by puffing the cheeks by adding layers of fat taken from some other part of your body. But this method, as well as face lifting, are surgical procedures that trim excess skin, and we’re not going to discuss them in this article.

    Plasma Fibroblast Technique

    This technique is an effective non-surgical procedure that can stimulate collagen production. During the procedure, typically performed at a cosmetic studio, a pen-sized device is used to apply thermal energy to the skin, which triggers fibroblasts to activate and produce collagen.

    This technique uses the same approach of micro wounding by targeting areas with a small wave of currency. The plasma then plays an important role in healing the micro-wounds, tightening the skin, and neutralizing the wrinkles. Even acne scars or visible injuries can be treated with this method.

    Injectable Fillers

    Filler injections are the most common minimally invasive procedure used for cheek lifting, with more than 95% of patients being thrilled with the instant results. Fillers can regain the lost facial volume but also smoothen the wrinkles and less prominent lines on your face.

    The most popular compounds used for cheek magnifies include:

    • Hyaluronic acid
    • Poly-l-lactic acid
    • Silicone

    Depending on the filler’s compounds and the person’s individual habits and traits, a filler can last up to 4 years. These are not botox fillers, so the aftereffects are not as severe.

    Wrapping Up: How to Fix Saggy Cheeks for Good?

    Some of the major factors contributing to the occurrence of saggy cheeks are inevitable. But yes – we’ve definitely concluded that squeezing in a few healthful diet regimes and a line of daily facial exercises can drastically change your overall appearance – not just fix saggy cheeks. is an expert app for jaw sculpting. And considering that the cheek’s skin is literally stretched between the area of your cheekbones and jaws – you can imagine the potential benefits mewing has on droopy jowls.

    Aside from the proper tongue posture and mewing techniques, you’ll also have the chance to experience how chin-tucking exercises work combined with the tongue technique.

    Start off your journey to rejuvenation without any fillers, needles, and surgeries with a simple App store download. There are no credit card charges or costs. It’s just you, our personalized coach, and a bunch of mewing exercises designed specifically for your daily routine!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

    Sculpt your face into desired look with mewing. Answer a quick quiz to receive your workout program.

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