How to Get a Better Side Profile? 6 Must-Try Tips To Make You Look Better |
Facial Features & Conditions

How to Get a Better Side Profile? 6 Must-Try Tips To Make You Look Better


    How to get a better side profile

    Comprising of elements such as your forehead, nose, and chin, your side profile can make a significant impact on your overall appearance. But a facial side profile is more than just a side view of your face – it’s a glimpse into what you are.

    Putting effort into enhancing this aspect of your appearance is a worthy investment in your self-image. During my years as a mewing expert, I tried all the available methods to improve your side profile. This article is a comprehensive breakdown of the 6 most popular tips on the internet.


    Why Pay Attention To Your Side Profile?

    Your side profile is a pivotal component of your overall attractiveness, often overshadowing factors like weight or height. However, we tend to wrongly assume that it doesn’t signal health. For example, a well-defined nose can indicate good respiratory health.

    The alignment of your teeth directly influences the prominence and structure of your jawline, both key players in a flattering side profile.

    The jaw is especially important for side looks. A strong jaw adds depth and character to your eyes, making them appear more vibrant and, by extension, signaling better health. A weak jaw often comes together with a terrible double chin that, unfortunately, can overshadow even the most attractive and symmetrical face.

    Luckily, your profile from the side is not set in stone – you can refine it. And not just through invasive measures like surgery. There are various non-invasive techniques and lifestyle changes that can make a substantial difference.

    What Makes An Attractive Profile Appearance?

    An attractive side profile doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all formula, but there are some universal traits. Good side looks embody a blend of symmetry, proportion, and subtle detail. These are the elements collectively contributing to a face worthy of admiration.

    The first thing we unconsciously notice in a good-looking side profile is symmetry. A balanced profile where facial features align in harmonious proportions usually gets a nod of aesthetic approval.

    The line from your forehead down to your chin should exhibit a soft, natural curve devoid of harsh angles or deviations. A well-defined jawline and cheekbones add structure to your face and also suggest a healthy lifestyle and good muscle tone. These contours also play a vital role in the overall attractiveness of your side looks.

    The lips also warrant attention. Full but not overly plump lips can add a youthful quality to your face when looked at from the side. They balance out the harder lines of your jaw and nose, providing a softer focal point.

    Why Does My Facial Profile Look Bad?

    The popularity of social media and an ever-increasing focus on physical beauty amplify our insecurities. It’s especially true about how your face looks from the side, as side profiles are so commonly visible in posts and profile pictures.

    Psychological stress is another major culprit. Chronic stress releases hormones that can impact your skin and muscle tone, subtly altering your side profile over time. Stress also exacerbates habits like poor posture, which can affect the way your profile appears.

    Your lifestyle choices, too, come into play. An unhealthy diet can lead to weight gain, often showing on the face first. Lack of physical activity also compromises muscle tone, which, in turn, impacts the firmness and shape of your facial features.

    Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can similarly take a toll, causing your skin to age prematurely and your profile to lose its youthful allure.

    As we age, these causes stack, and the dissatisfaction becomes more acute. The natural aging process itself brings about changes that can affect how your face side looks. Collagen loss, for example, results in less skin elasticity, which can make your profile look less vibrant and more tired.

    The good news is that many of these factors can be controlled. Beyond psychological adjustments, facial exercises, and targeted physical activity can improve muscle tone in the face. So, while the face aging process is inevitable, its impact on your side profile need not be permanent.

    Is Side-Profile Sculpting Possible Without Surgery?

    The answer is yes, and it’s rooted in biology. Moss’s functional matrix theory posits that soft tissues around the face influence the growth and orientation of facial bones. Consequently, changing these soft tissue matrices through targeted exercises and facial posture can, over time, alter the underlying bone structure.

    According to Wolff’s Law, bones reshape themselves in response to the forces exerted upon them. In the context of your face from the side angle, consistent pressure or stimulation can encourage the bones to adapt, gradually changing the appearance of your profile.

    However, a word of caution is necessary here. Measures using these biological mechanisms for getting a good side profile require a long-term commitment before noticeable changes occur. Moreover, individual responses to orthodontic practices and facial exercises can vary widely.

    So, while it is possible to sculpt your side profile without surgery, it’s vital to manage expectations and be patient in your journey to get better facial profile features.

    Types of Side Profiles

    Convex Profile

    In a convex profile, you’ll notice a sloping forehead, slightly prominent brows, and a large, somewhat curved nose. The chin tends to recede. Some categorize it as a flat face viewed from the side, as the chin does not curve. It is a profile that most people want to make better and consider terrible looking.

    Concave Profile

    The concave profile presents a prominent forehead, almost flat eyebrows, and a smaller nose that may be straight or slightly inward curved. The chin in this profile type has an outward curve.

    Like the straight profile, the concave type leans more toward what might be termed a flat side profile. It has softer features, generally creating a less imposing jaw position and general appearance.

    Straight Profile

    A straight profile features a balanced forehead-nose-chin ratio. In this type, the forehead, nose, and chin align in a straight line when viewed from the side. This profile is often regarded as a normal strong side look, neither too prominent nor too receding. It’s considered by many to be the ideal, exuding a sense of balance and proportionality.

    Good Ways To Achieve A Perfect Side Look?


    Mewing before and after photos

    Mewing is a practice of proper tongue posture to achieve a better shape of your jaw, chin, and even eyes over time. By maintaining your tongue on the roof of your mouth, you can encourage your face to develop in a more aesthetically pleasing way.

    Mewing holds merit, as it aligns with Moss’s functional matrix theory, advocating that soft tissues can shape bone structure. Of course, the effects will take some time to implement.

    There are many more benefits of practicing mewing, which range from reducing mouth breathing to mental health improvements. We created the app to guide you through this journey with reminders and a personal training plan. app: mewing exercises

    Exercise Your Jaw

    Various exercises target different aspects of jaw health and appearance. Techniques like clenching and Releasing your facial muscles aim to build strength in the jawline, while facial sagging massage offers a method to improve jaw skin elasticity.

    While the specific exercises to define jawline vary in their approach, the overarching aim remains the same: to improve the appearance and health of your jaw and, by extension, your side profile.

    Chewing Gums

    Chewing gum, particularly mastic gum, has multiple benefits that extend from gut health to enhancing your jawline and, by extension, the attractiveness of your side profile. Based on our extensive reviews, we found four gums that, among other benefits of mastic gum, are designed for jaw and side profile improvement.

    #1 Jawliner

    Jawliner gum review

    Jawliner stands out as a the best product specifically designed for jawline exercises. It’s the hardest and toughest chewing gum available, and it’s also 100% vegan and sugar-free. However, it does come at a higher cost compared to other options. As stated in my comprehensive review of Jawliner gum, if you’re serious about jaw training and willing to invest, Jawliner should be your top choice.

    #2 Neptune Gum

    This unique gum is made from exotic tree sap and offers natural resistance for strengthening your jaw muscles. Any Neptune gum review will also tell you that it has herbal anti-inflammatory properties.

    The texture is quite hard, and the taste might not be for everyone, but it’s five times stronger than regular gum. If you’re interested in a multi-benefit, natural product with medicinal properties, Neptune Gum is the way to go.

    #3 Rockjaw Gum

    Any Rockjaw gum review will confirm that it is affordable and particularly well-suited for beginners. While it doesn’t offer the hardness of other gums and lacks unique features, it’s a nice starting point if you’re new to jaw exercises and want to start without a significant investment.

    #4 Falim Gum

    Falim Gum offers budget-friendly options with various flavors. However, it’s softer than other choices and contains potentially toxic synthetic antioxidants. I found its durability relatively low during my Falim review. However, if you want to easy and affordable start for your jaw exercises and multiple flavors, Falim will suit your needs.

    Eat A Balanced Diet

    Diet plays a role in your side profile, particularly concerning weight and water retention around the face. Limiting salt intake can reduce puffiness while staying hydrated helps maintain skin elasticity. These changes don’t just benefit your overall health but also subtly enhance your side profile.

    Dermal fillers

    Dermal fillers offer a less invasive way to alter your profile. These fillers can add volume to areas like the chin or cheeks, creating a more balanced appearance. However, dermal fillers require regular maintenance and should be considered a temporary measure.

    Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

    Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses injectable fillers to change the shape of your nose without the need for surgical intervention. It’s a less permanent solution but can offer immediate results for those looking for subtle adjustments. However, I do not recommend this option for my patients as you will probably need to get injections constantly.

    Bone Smashing

    Bone smashing is a more controversial technique that involves subjecting the facial bones to controlled trauma to encourage adaptation. Although extreme and less researched, proponents argue that it’s another application of Wolff’s Law. However, there is no evidence to support their claims and the bone-smashing method itself doesn’t have any real and tested guidelines.

    As an orthodontist, I strongly advise against bone smashing to improve your side profile. It’s just too easy to injure yourself and make damage that may never heal.


    Facial aesthetics is really important in today’s society. While many resort to surgery and other dangerous facial appliances, there are ways for non-invasive improvement. Just remember that face shape changes slowly, and you will have to make some lifestyle changes to get that perfect side profile from your jawline, chin, and other parts of the face.

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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