Jawline on Steroids: How Anabolics Affect Your Jaw Shape | Mewing.coach
Jawline & Chin

Jawline on Steroids: How Anabolics Affect Your Jaw Shape


    Over the course of this century, steroids have found many uses, especially by bodybuilders who try to increase the natural performance of their bodies. But, there are also those individuals who would like to enhance other parts, such as the face.

    Face form can change over time. The facial structure, the alignment of the lower and upper jaws, heredity, the position of the top and bottom teeth, and many other factors all play a role.

    If you are someone who would like to know a non-surgical way to reduce square chin and you are wondering what the ways of gaining a better jawline are, you are in the right place.

    ⚠️SPOLERS⚠️ You don’t need steroids to get a jawline. There are natural face exercises that can help you sculpt your jaw into a desired look. Mewing is a very effective face workout, and you should definitely give it a try. Get a personalized mewing plan by completing the quiz below!

    🔍 In this article, we will cover:

    • 💡 Does the use of anabolic steroids affects jaw appearance?
    • 🤔 What are the effects that anabolic steroids have on mandibular growth?
    • 📝 Testimonials before and after the use of steroids.
    • 💪 Some natural ways to gain a chiseled jawline.

    Without further ado, let’s get straight into learning how and if steroid users can have a physical effect on their faces.

    Steroids impact on jawline


    Do Anabolic Steroids Affect Jaw Appearance

    The human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone create the appearance of a stronger jaw which is a clear result of jaw muscle growth. However, for some people, this hormone is not so prominent, resulting in a weaker-looking jaw.

    Thus, many turn to steroids as they can play a role in the physical alteration of the jawline’s aesthetic appearance. Of course, it’s vital to note that steroids boost blood pressure, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important if you plan on using this method to get a chiseled jaw.

    The Effect of Anabolic Steroids on Mandibular Growth

    The effect of anabolic steroids on mandibular growth

    In general, steroids can cause body hair to grow and your hair to fall out. However, we need to mention that the latter is more prominent in people that are predisposed to male pattern baldness.

    But, in terms of mandibular growth, anabolic steroids can make it more prominent and sharp. Steroids have been used throughout the years to pop out the muscles, so there is no reason why they won’t do the same to the ones surrounding your jaw.

    The strong and weak jawline differences that can be felt with steroids are huge. Yet, as we mentioned, these can’t be seen as a natural way of strengthening your jaw.

    Steroid Alternatives to Gain Chiseled Jawline

    Mewing as an alternative to steroids

    Considering that steroids can have several side effects, there are other natural ways in which you can achieve a chiseled jaw. Check out this guide on skin tightening under the chin, or simply keep scrolling to see some quick exercises you can do to get a sharper jaw and avoid taking steroids.


    Mewing is a fairly new term, so if you’re wondering how you may change your face by mewing, you’ve come to the right place!

    Mewing is a simple technique that consists of two simple movements that include sealing your lips and pressing your tongue against your upper teeth. But what good does mewing do? Well, this technique has numerous aesthetic advantages – correct tongue placement alone has the power to cause a cascade of effects throughout your entire face.

    It is advised to practice mewing on a daily basis and for around 20 to 30 minutes. Of course, you can increase the time, but note that this may cause slight pain in your jaw if you’re a beginner.

    In all cases, mewing takes time and patience. If you want to see some real mewing gain examples just download our Mewing.coach app! Here you can learn more about this method as well as the advantages and various tips that can help you out during the process.


    It’s a fact that smiling has a long list of positive effects on the facial muscles. This simple movement stretches the muscles every time which directly comes as an exercise. Our face appears better and more toned as we put more effort into it, which is why there are countless smiling exercises that you can find online to help get a more defined jaw.

    Give Yourself Face Massages

    Face massages

    Massages are an excellent technique to promote circulation and blood flow throughout your face and yes, they can help develop a more prominent jaw.

    Place your fingers on the root of your chin and extend upward to your ears, all the time applying the same amount of pressure. Each session should last for 30 seconds. Additionally, you can rub essential oils to give your skin the nutrients it needs.

    Reduce Body Fat

    Face fat

    Refined or processed carbohydrates have little nutritional value and can cause the body to store additional fat, i.e, gain weight, even in the facial area. They are present in a wide variety of food products, including pasta, cookies, white bread, and cereal.

    Instead of those types of foods, your diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins.  These products can help you lose body weight and are always a wise choice for a healthy diet.

    Make a Fish Face

    Fish face exercise

    Yes – the “duck face” trend actually helps create a better and stronger jawline! This is a simple exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere.

    Just sit or stand comfortably holding your neck straight. The first step of the exercise is to close your mouth, then suck your cheeks in and pout your lips. This exercise is great for toning the muscles of your lips, cheeks, and jaw, and it can also help you lose fat around the face.

    Grow a Beard

    How beard can improve jawline

    Growing a beard is one of the easiest methods to get the illusion of chiseled jaw muscles. However, some men can grow facial hair way easier than others. In the case of the ladder, there are plenty of hair growth stimulants that can help them achieve their goal.

    Final Verdict: Use of Anabolic Steroids for Jaw Appearance

    Visualization of a strong jawline

    Steroid abuse to boost your jaw appearance can be dangerous. The bone that supports your teeth may be damaged as a result of anabolic steroid use, coupled with several other side effects.

    Instead, it’s always advised to try out some of the natural ways to get a chiseled jaw. One simple solution is mewing. You can get the full mewing guide on our Mewing.coach app. Simply download it today, for free, and start practicing the technique – results are waiting in a couple of weeks!

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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