How To Get Rid of Glabellar Lines: 10 Methods |
Aging & Skin Concerns

How To Get Rid of Glabellar Lines: 10 Methods


    If you are often stressed, those worries begin to show in the form of glabellar lines. These facial wrinkles appear due to a lack of collagen production, making you look older. Although dry skin is an issue, there are tons of ways to treat it naturally!

    Keeping your skin hydrated is one way to get rid of glabellar lines, but you can also achieve it with dermal fillers, chemical peels, exercise, and a healthy diet. You can also prevent glabellar lines from appearing sooner by quitting alcohol and smoking.

    Additionally, this article will let you in on:

    • 🤔Why do glabellar lines appear?
    • 🙌 What are the glabellar line treatments?
    • 💪🏼 How can mewing help?

    Keen to prevent premature ageing and frown lines? Keep reading for more!

    Glabellar Lines


    Causes of Glabellar Lines

    Glabellar lines are the vertical lines that you see on your forehead. They are called glabellar lines due to their appearance in the glabella area. They are more commonly referred to as ‘frown lines’.

    This area refers to the skin above your eyebrows. Glabellar lines become visible due to repeated facial movements like talking, yawning, laughing, and frowning. Every time you wrinkle your face for whatever reason, the glabella is affected.

    Apart from overusing facial muscles, frown lines appear for the following reasons:

    • The natural aging process: You can’t expect to have smooth and silky skin when you are approaching your 80s. Wrinkles are an inseparable part of growing older and are nothing to be ashamed of. With proper care, you can prolong skin elasticity.
    • Sun damage: Sun exposure is extremely dangerous for the skin, especially if you are not wearing sunblock. Excessive sun exposure to unprotected bare skin can lead to not only wrinkles but developing skin cancer. Avoiding direct sunlight is one of the facial elasticity improvement techniques.
    • Bad habits: Smoking and drinking age your skin at a rapid speed. Cigarette smoke is a key contributor to creating wrinkles, while alcohol leads to dehydrated skin. The first step towards treating wrinkles is giving up an unhealthy lifestyle.
    • Hormones: Menopause, hormone therapy, and pregnancy imbalances can cause a premature breakdown of collagen which leads to early wrinkles. Hormonal issues can also cause less Estrogen production which is what gives the skin thickness and hydration. Less Estrogen means dryer skin and a greater chance of wrinkles. Hormone replacement therapy is recommended for women going through menopause.
    • Genetics: Does your family tree have wrinkles? This may signify that you will develop them too. Thanks to genetics, some individuals develop wrinkles earlier than others. Genetics play a huge role in gene deterioration, and an unlucky few may deteriorate at an earlier age than usual. If you are seeing wrinkles and you are in your 20s or 30s, then you can blame genetics.
    • An unhealthy diet: A high glucose intake can cause glycation. Consuming glucose is essential to collagen production, and if there is too much glucose it can become brittle. Brittle collagen fibers cause dryness and increase the visibility of wrinkles.

    How Facial Expressions Affect Emotional Wrinkles

    Diverse facial expressions are a result of a fulfilled life. The best examples are smile and frown lines. Constant frowning is not only dangerous for the psyche but your face as well. With age, the facial muscles begin to weaken leading to more visible wrinkles, especially around the eyes and mouth. This is due to showing emotion.

    Besides the glabellar and frown lines, other expressive wrinkles include the marionette lines. Many look for ways how to reduce marionette lines, but they are also present due to emotion.

    Wrinkles that are provoked by emotions are called emotional wrinkles. Some refer to them as dynamic wrinkles.

    These wrinkles fade fast, usually lasting as long as the emotion. The basic dynamic wrinkles become visible when you express sadness, worry, or surprise. Some may even appear during deep moments of concentration.

    Both frown lines and glabellar lines belong in the emotional wrinkle category.

    Difference Between Frown Lines and Glabellar Lines

    Although many confuse them as the same deal, frown lines and glabellar lines appear on different parts of the face.

    Frown lines are noticeable between the eyebrows. They appear due to frowning or making angry facial expressions. Frown lines are also vertical while glabellar are horizontal.

    Glabellar lines are usually referred to as forehead wrinkles. They are most visible if you make a surprised or impressed face. They are called glabellar because that area on the forehead is the glabellar area. They are the most common wrinkles treated and are inescapable with age.

    The main similarity between glabellar lines and frown lines is that they occupy the upper part of the face.

    10 Treatment Options to Get Rid of Glabellar and Frown Lines

    There are many answers on how to get rid of glabellar lines, whether natural or cosmetic. Sometimes, doing as little as exercises to help you tone your face can provide worthwhile results.

    With exercising you can tone the facial muscles and improve elasticity. Some other benefit of face workouts is increasing blood circulation in the facial area. Bloodflow provokes collagen production and results in a more youthful appearance.

    These are some of the natural ways to reduce all types of wrinkles:

    How to Get Rid of Glabellar Lines Naturally?

    1. Mewing Exercises to Get Rid of Glabellar Lines

    Something as little as proper tongue and jaw alignment can give you a more defined facial structure.

    You can achieve a toned face by practicing mewing. As to what strengths mewing provides, the benefits include a chiseled jawline, heightened cheekbones, toned neck, and perky lips.

    Mewing is a type of exercise that involves pressing your tongue up against the roof of the mouth, aligning your teeth, and slowly inhaling. Apart from improving the symmetry of the face, mewing strengthens the muscles.

    This means it will prevent glabellar lines from ever appearing.

    If you are still unsure what it is, there’s a comprehensive mewing explanation. Ultimately, mewing shapes the facial features like you have been hitting the gym for ages.

    Want to know how to properly start your mewing journey? Browse our to get a personalized plan and become a pro!

    1. Over The Counter Skincare Products

    Sometimes using regular skincare creams can help renew the skin on the face. By simply removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin you can diminish glabellar lines.

    Common ways you can naturally treat wrinkles are with topical treatments, anti-wrinkles creams, anti-ageing serums, etc.

    Medication applied to the skin is called topical medication. Topical treatments are most usually used to treat pain, while in some cases they can provide hydration. These treatments help when the skin loses its elasticity by protecting and nourishing it.

    Wrinkle creams are similar to moisturizers in the fact that they moisten the skin with other benefits. They contain active ingredients that help in reducing fine lines and improve skin tightness.

    Besides decreasing signs of aging, wrinkle creams provoke new skin growth and improve texture. Wrinkle creams are effective if the suitable cream is used for the right skin type.

    Similar to wrinkle creams, serums are also moisturizer-based. With longtime use the treated skin will become younger-looking, masking the signs of aging. Serums are often rich in vitamin c which reduces wrinkles.

    Other popular skincare products include retinoids and antioxidants. Retinoids help combat glabella lines by increasing collagen production. Often used for acne treatments, retinoids also stimulate blood flow to the face.

    This evens out the skin color and removes blemishes. Retinoids are very useful in diminishing age spots and eliminating rough patches on the skin.

    Other beneficial ingredients effective in the anti-aging process are antioxidants. These substances protect the skin’s surface from environmental damage. Antioxidants help protect your skin from sun damage like UV rays and air pollution. They are also effective in reducing wrinkles.

    1. Microdermabrasion

    Microdermabrasion is another non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves applying tiny rough particles on the surface of the skin. These particles remove dead skin cells, allowing new skin growth.

    The shinier new skin may reduce the appearance of glabellar lines, but not entirely. Microdermabrasion is recommended for fresh, not-too-deep wrinkles. It can fade a bit of the fine lines, but it does not treat sagging skin nor does it tighten it.

    1. Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels decrease the appearance of wrinkles by using a chemical solution to remove the outer, old layer of the skin. Once the peel is done, there is newly rejuvenated and tighter skin underneath. This causes the glabellar lines to fade away. Chemical peels are also among the few methods preventing the face sagging. However, you have to do it repeatedly.

    Invasive Treatment Methods

    1. Botulin (Botox) Injections

    Commonly used to treat migraines, getting a Botox treatment is best recommended when your wrinkles have turned into very fine lines. Botox injections are injections of botulin toxin that help relax tensed muscles.

    By relaxing the facial muscles, Botox smooths out wrinkles. If you were wondering how to reduce the marionette lines, botox might help for that as well.

    Usually, the injections are placed around the eye and forehead area. This makes Botox perfect for glabellar lines. These injections are the most effective way to treat deep wrinkles if you opt for an invasive-treatment. Botox results are immediate and long-lasting but on the pricier side.

    1. Dermal Filler Injection

    Dermal fillers are the second-best invasive option for treating glabella lines. Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid which boosts volume to the face. Hyaluronic acid fillers are used in the lip and cheek area, but they can be used to reduce glabella lines too. Some say fillers are useful in getting rid of bunny lines.

    Fillers work by smoothening over the lines, reducing the visibility of wrinkles. The most common hyaluronic acid filler is Juvederm but there are other options as well. Juvederm is recommended for volume loss, while Dysport treatment is a neuromodulator similar to Botox in the fact that it relaxes tensed muscles.

    Filler injections have boomed in popularity in the last decade. If you are wondering how long do fillers last, the answer depends on the individual’s age and skin type.

    1. Cosmetic Surgery

    If your wrinkles are very deep and you are at the appropriate age, maybe cosmetic surgery is the solution. Cosmetic surgery involves an invasive procedure through which the practitioner eliminates the glabellar or fine lines surgically. Glabellar lines can be removed either through a brow or forehead lift.

    The specialist makes a small incision behind the hairline and lifts the wrinkled area. Cosmetic surgeries are usually done at a mature age when there is no other solution for wrinkles.

    Glabellar and Frown Line Prevention: Home Remedies

    Sometimes, you don’t have to opt for surgeries and injectable treatments to prevent glabellar lines. The solution is easily achieved through minor lifestyle changes in your every day.

    1. Lifestyle changes

    First, you should always be wary of sunlight. Although no one is mad at a sunny day, the sun’s rays produce UV radiation, which is devastating for your skin. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, make sure to wear sunblock. Also, wearing sunglasses will save you from developing crow’s feet and frown lines.

    Besides protection from the sun, avoid stressful situations. Stress drastically ages your body, so remember to take it easy in life. Being less emotional will save you from developing emotional wrinkles too.

    Getting your beauty sleep is a guarantee you will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. a well-rested face is a fresh, youthful face, so make sure to get plenty of rest. Staying hydrated means your collagen levels will increase. With more collagen comes more elasticity and fewer visible wrinkles. So, remember to pack up those water bottles.

    You are what you consume, so make sure your diet is healthy and full of nutrients. For glowing skin eat fresh fruits, and drink green tea for cleansing.

    Quit smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking age your skin like crazy, so wrinkles are more apparent in users than in non-users. Avid smokers look for ways to eliminate the smokers lines, and they are not easy to get rid of. The right thing to do would be to lay off the vices altogether.

    1. Facial Muscles Massage

    A face massage provokes blood flow to the face which in turn increases collagen. A face massage will also relax the muscles, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. You don’t need any equipment or anything. You can just do it at home at your leisure. If you don’t know how to, check out the tons of videos available online.

    1. DIY Face Mask

    There are tons of recipes for facemasks that you can do by yourself using home appliances. Mixing buttermilk, oatmeal, and olive oil will give you a tightening face mask. All you have to do is warm it up and place it on your face for 10 minutes.

    Can You Remove Glabellar and Frown Lines Permanently?

    There is a possibility of removing glabellar lines permanently, but it depends on the individual. If your glabellar lines are very deep, then the obvious solution is either injectibles or a cosmetic procedure.

    However, if you are younger, then you can prevent wrinkles from getting deeper by practicing the above-mentioned suggestions. A good skin routine, as well as keeping hydrated and a little mewing will go a long way in preserving your youthful face.


    Before going under the knife make sure you determine the severity of your wrinkles. If you have deep glabellar lines, then fillers and procedures might be necessary. But if your frown lines are moderate, you can try natural methods like mewing and lifestyle changes.

    A certified specialist will let you know whether your wrinkles are cream-solvable, or if you need extensive work.

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    Head of Content, orthodontist, a face yoga instructor with over 20 years of experience.

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