How to Get Rid of Mental Chin Crease Naturally |
Aging & Skin Concerns

How to Get Rid of Mental Chin Crease Naturally


    Growing older is no picnic unless you consider retirement. Exhaustion and stress go hand-in-hand with every mature person’s worst nightmare – wrinkles!

    Apart from the popular bunch, like crow’s feet, forehead, and frown lines, some wrinkles attack the lower part of your face. The well-known marionette lines and mental chin crease are the new, most-disliked wrinkles you can develop on your face.

    Although unnoticeable, the chin crease appearance gets worse over time. If you see a fine line underneath your bottom lip, just above your chin, you might be dealing with a chin crease. It’s important to handle chin creases before they get deeper to slow down the aging process and prolong your looking and feeling your best! Luckily there are surgical and natural ways to eliminate a deep chin crease!

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    We’ll also let you in on:

    • 🧾 What is a deep mental crease on the chin?
    • 🔎 What causes a mental crease?
    • 📚 How mewing can help?

    How to get rid of mental chin crease


    Understanding the Chin Creases

    If you have been searching high and low on how to get rid of chin crease naturally, you are finally at the right place. Called the “mental crease”, the chin crease is a deep, horizontal crease under your lower lip, stretching above the chin’s point. It’s also called the labiodental sacculus, and it’s one of the most underrated yet aesthetically displeasing wrinkles.

    Formed by the chin’s muscles (mentalis muscle), the crease wrinkles come in varying depths and severity, like a single curve or multiple wrinkled folds. When the deep crease is more defined, it tends to cast shadows on the chin, making it appear longer, pointier and wrinklier.

    Having a dent in your chin can be normal if it’s a sign of genetics or you are pushing 60. However, if you are getting chin indentations at a younger age than you normally would, this could be a sign of concern.

    Before you start your deep-internet search for a chin tucking exercise tutorial, know that there are effective and simple solutions to reduce fine lines around mouth. But first, let’s answer what causes a mental crease and the question: is a double chin hereditary?

    What Causes a Chin Crease?

    The appearance of a mental crease is a direct sign of the need for facial skin elasticity improvement, but it can be caused by other factors too:

    • Aging and Loss of Skin Elasticity

    As you grow older, your natural hyaluronic acid starts to decrease, along with collagen production. This leads to a loss in elasticity in the skin, leaving you with fine indentations or mental creases.

    Elastin is the component that gives your skin a plump, youthful look. Your skin can lose collagen and elastin sooner if you don’t wear sunscreen and are constantly under sun exposure. Besides burning your skin, the sun also robs you of your skin moisture. So, if the mental crease is not too defined, you can minimize it more if you avoid tanning beds too.

    • Genetics

    Some people are born with a mental crease in their chin. This is due to genetics, so if a parent has a defined mental crease, the offspring can eventually develop them. If you are predisposed to getting a crease in the chin or forehead, don’t think that you will automatically get them. A proper skincare routine and sun protection can go a long way in securing a clear face, even when genetics oppose it.

    • Facial Expressions and Muscle Activity

    There is truth to the saying, “Don’t make that face it will stick that way”, as repetition of facial expressions can cause permanent wrinkles. Constant frowning leads to frown and marionette lines, while smiling causes creases in the nasolabial folds. Because the muscle gets too tensed too often, it loses its elasticity, leaving you with dynamic wrinkles that, if you don’t treat, turn static. Avoiding repeated facial expressions, practicing face yoga, mewing exercises, and dermal fillers can help relax tense facial muscles.

    • Weight Fluctuations

    A deep crease above your chin can start to develop due to weight fluctuation. If you are younger, gaining weight can lead to the appearance of a chin crease due to fat buildup in the face. But, when older people lose weight, the crease can also appear as an indentation beneath the bottom lip due to fat and elasticity loss.

    • Poor Posture

    Sometimes, keeping your tongue, teeth, and jaw in proper alignment means decreasing the chance of wrinkles. These are some of the benefits mewing gives to your overall health, and it’s not just physical. Besides proper mouth structure, you need to practice good back posture too. Slouching or looking down at your phone can cause the muscles in the chin and neck to weaken, resulting in a chin crease.

    Now that we covered the culprits for chin wrinkles, it’s time to talk about treatments. There are two types of chin wrinkle treatments, invasive, performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, and non-invasive.

    Non-Invasive Treatments for Chin Crease

    Non-invasive treatments for chin crease include healing and treating the area without injecting on cutting it. They work by raising blood circulation in the face area without any tools.


    Years of incorrect tongue, jaw, and teeth posture can lead to chin creases. This is usually combated by immediate posture repair and repetitive exercises on the face. Mewing is a facial exercise that involves proper tongue posture and jaw and teeth alignment while slowly breathing. To give you some insight into mewing, the easy exercise improves face symmetry, strengthens the jawline, and reduces dental problems.

    If you are worried about your under lower lip wrinkles, you should see the mewing effects on chin creases on the app! There you will find a helpful guide to hard mewing technique practices, a personalized plan, articles on the lots of ways to erase glabellar lines, as well as tips to solve nose wrinkle problems, and tons of other constructive stuff!

    Facial Exercises

    Besides mewing, you can practice other face exercises to get rid of a chin crease. A typical example is face yoga, where you are asked to do repetitive, relaxing exercises, flexing your facial muscles. Other face-toning exercises involve meditating, lifting your chin upwards while smiling, stretching the cheek muscles with your hands, and pressing and massaging the chin with your fingers.

    Another similar exercise involves pushing your lip forward with your thumbs while pushing against your thumbs with your upper lip. Hold the position for 6-10 minutes and repeat 5-10 times a day. The exercise is one of the natural methods of getting rid of marionette lines, as well as erasing smoker’s lines and chin creases.

    Skincare Routine

    Maintaining clean and glowy skin is key for skin health. This means keeping a proper skincare routine that you repeat every day. This means washing your face with clean cold water after waking and before bed, never going to sleep with makeup on, and wearing sunscreen and moisturizer when out.

    Massage techniques

    Although massage techniques are no permanent solution for chin mental crease, you can relieve the stressed area by massaging it. Pressing and circling your chin’s crease with your fingers can temporarily reduce the crease’s visibility and diminish any pain.

    Another massage technique you can try is pinching the mental crease with your index finger and thumb from left to right and repeat.

    Invasive Treatments for Chin Crease

    If there is no way how to get rid of mental crease in the chin with natural attempts, you can opt for mental crease surgery. However, surgery is not the ultimatum, you can choose from the following invasive mental crease treatment options.

    Dermal Fillers for Chin Crease

    Besides invasive surgery, you can treat your chin crease with dermal filler. There are many types of dermal fillers to choose from when it comes to treating wrinkles, but the most common type used is hyaluronic acid. You can use hyaluronic acid as a filler for chin creases; however, they are most effective with mild-to-moderate wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid dermal filler is used to add volume to the sunken skin, giving a youthful look.

    Other types of mental crease filler you can get include neuromodulators like Dysport, Xeomin, and Botox. The average chin crease filler cost depends directly on how many syringes you need and the severity of the mental crease chin. A single syringe of hyaluronic acid costs between $600 and $800, and for a deep mental crease chin, you would need 1-2mls of dermal filler. Although the longevity of injectable dermal fillers is debatable, you can expect results to last from 12-18 months.

    Mental chin crease filler before and after

    If you are looking for the best filler for chin crease, you can find tons of certified options online. If you are curious about results, Google chin crease filler before and after and prepare to be amazed!

    Botox for Mental Crease

    Botox can work as a great treatment for mental chin creases because it’s a neurotoxin that temporarily freezes the muscles under the skin. If the muscles are smooth, it will decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Botox injections work by being directly injected into the target area, or in this case, the labial mental crease.

    Botox chin crease before and after

    To properly treat chin dimpling with Botox, you will need 4-10 units. Minimizing a chin crease will require 2 units per chin muscle for women or 3-5 for men. The average cost for Botox in the chin starts at $466 and higher.

    Mental Crease Surgery

    If you think that Botox and other fillers are not strong enough to treat your severe chin crease, know that you can always remodel it with surgery. Some surgeries recommended for deep mental creases include a chin implant, where an appropriately-sized silicone implant is placed inside the chin to eliminate the curve.

    Before and after chin crease surgery

    Other ways to decrease a fine chin crease include double-chin surgery, neck tuck, neck lift, jaw-reconstructive surgery, and chin liposuction. All of these are reconstructive surgeries, meaning that they are pretty serious. There are benefits to plastic surgery, like immediate results, but the procedure is still difficult surgery!

    Prevention Strategies

    Although wrinkles are a natural part of aging, some get them sooner than later. There are some natural ways to prevent a mental crease, like:

    Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

    This means avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking, as well as going to bed early and drinking plenty of water. Keeping your skin hydrated will reduce and prevent wrinkles, while booze and cigarettes dry up your skin, making wrinkles more visible.

    Ensure a Proper Skincare

    Speaking of water, make sure to wash your face before going to bed and right after waking up. This way, you clean your face from the leftover residue, dry and peeled skin, dirt, bacteria, etc. Take your makeup off before bed, and use a moisturizer.

    Regularly Do Facial Exercises and Mewing

    Exercising your facial muscles will relax tensed areas, while mewing will give your face smoothness and symmetry.

    Maintain a Correct Posture

    Slouching over your phone causes a double chin which can appear as a mental crease, so keeping your head in perfect posture is key to preventing it. Ensure your back is touching your seat while sitting, and you don’t slump while standing.

    Final Word on How to Get Rid of Chin Crease Naturally

    Although not serious, chin creases can drastically influence your appearance. Some may get them sooner than others, but a mental chin curve is nothing that can be treated. Thanks to revolutionary technology and cosmetic medicine, you can bid rid of your chin crease through invasive and non-invasive options!

    If you are at a young age, make sure to keep a healthy lifestyle, maintain a proper posture, and do regular exercises like mewing and yoga to delay your meeting with chin wrinkles!

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    Orthodontist, lecturer, face yoga expert.

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