Have you heard of Mewing? Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist, started researching the benefits of a good face and dental posture on his patients […]

Have you heard of Mewing? Dr. John Mew, a British orthodontist, started researching the benefits of a good face and dental posture on his patients […]
Mewing is a face muscle exercise that leads to a more defined face. It’s named after Dr John Mew, a dentist who first introduced the […]
Mewing is a technique that improves the resting position of the tongue. But why does that matter? Can mewing change your face? Yes. Simply put, […]
Does mewing make your jaw sore? Do you frequently experience painful gums, headaches, and general discomfort during your mewing practice? If mewing feels uncomfortable, you’re […]
The recovery process after a jaw or orthognathic surgery takes time and patience. Eating and drinking will be challenging for a while, and you may […]
Mewing is a very simple facial restructuring technique with outstanding results. More specifically, mewing can have an effect on the face shape, making it more […]
So, first of all, you probably want to know what mewing is. In simple terms, refers to learning the correct tongue posture. By placing your […]
Mewing is an orthotropic treatment that uses right tongue positioning, which, if practiced constantly, can bring many benefits. Mewing can help with issues from sleep […]
Invisalign are transparent braces worn as opposed to traditional metal wires, which are slowly going out of fashion. Many Invisalign patients are unsure whether they […]
You’ve heard that there is a good side and a bad side to your face. But is anyone’s face actually symmetrical? The consensus is no. […]
Are you looking for a non-invasive solution to fix an overbite? Perhaps, mewing will do the trick! If you’re eager to implement this face-sculpting method […]
It can take years to straighten your pearly whites and achieve that Hollywood smile. But is this arduous process worth it, you ask? Definitely. Bimaxillary […]
Are you looking to fix your underbite and finally enjoy food without painful chewing and mouth breathing? In that case, you should try mewing – […]
Do you have crowded teeth? One reason for this might be crossbite. How can you fix it in an easy, non-surgical way? Simple – mewing! […]
Do you often wake yourself up with your own loud snoring in the middle of the night? Other treatments and even putting mouth tape on […]
You’ve been taught proper table manners since a young age, but has anyone ever taught you the right way to chew and swallow food? Yes, […]
Do you feel self-conscious about your facial features or jawline? If so, you’ve likely heard about mewing. So did he: Or she: And many others […]