Ryan Owen
Orthodontist, Face Yoga Expert
Ryan Owen is the Head of Content at Mewing.coach and an orthodontist who has years of experience helping people achieve straighter teeth and defined jawlines. He’s been involved in Face Yoga for 20 years and now specializes primarily in mewing technique. Before working for Mewing.coach, Ryan was a personal face yoga instructor.
His work helped many people by improving their facial symmetry, jawline, cheekbones, and chin. Ryan also focused on correcting body posture and breathing by teaching his clients how to do mewing properly.


Jawline Exercises: 10 Moves to Define Your Jaw

Tips & Jaw Exercises After Jaw Surgery: Re-gain Your Strength

Jawline on Steroids: How Anabolics Affect Your Jaw Shape

Best Gum For Jawline Gains: Sculpt You Jaw While Chewing

Body Fat Percentage Affects Jawline: Here Is How

Strong vs. Weak Jawline Comparison and Solutions

Asymmetrical Jaw & Chin: Causes and How to Fix it Naturally

18 ULTIMATE Tips on How Men Can NOW Improve Their Jawline

Let’s Find Out How to Reduce Square Jaw Naturally

Jawline Slimming Methods & Techniques

Let’s Find Out How to Lose Face Fat and Get a Jawline

Mewing Benefits: The Complete List

How Mewing Helps You Sculpt Your Jawline? Expert Advises

20 Mewing Mistakes That Could RUIN Your Face

Hunter Eyes: Mewing for Almond-Shaped Eyes Without Eye Surgery

Propper Mewing Tongue Posture & Things to Avoid